Alarm in playing face of cribbage

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1. out_and_about ,

Hello for everyone,
I notticed that in playing face of cribbage, the alarm rings also in playing face; that is, when not only when scoring points but also when we play our cards. Today, someone tould me that you receibe a penality consisting in rounds withou scoring when you play your cards after the alarm rings. But, nothing like this says in the game instructions. What does the alarm mean in the playing face? Because in this face you don't need the time limit.

Score: +0

2. Exink,

Yea, I also can see the timer alarm before scoring the points. Perhaps this is a bug, like the bug in uno, when somebody played a +4 and the timer simply continued working...

However, if this is an additional rule, I think that the instructions should be updated. Also, I suggest that if there is a penality or not, it should be written...

Score: +0

3. mayya,


This is a new rule indeed. It has been added lately.

It is not mentionned in the rules because the rules have been written before simply.

Of course, you can always unactivate it if you wish, you are not obliged to play with the timer. It has simply been added in order to avoid long-time waiting.


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4. out_and_about ,

oOO, I think i didn't make myself clear: I an not talking about the time limit in the scoring, i am talking about the ferst part of the round, when we play all the cards. Can someone explain me what does the time limit consist in this part? Someone tould me that the penality is some rounds without scoring. But, i don't know how true is it, because it isn't written in any language. I say it because at list int the english part, the posibility of puting a time limit in the scoring part is written, but nothing is mentioned about a time limit for playing cards in the ferst part or about a penality for not playing them before te alarm.

Score: +0

5. Raki,

In the first phase of the game, if you don't play within the time limit, you lose 2 points from your score.

Score: +0

6. out_and_about ,

OK. If it's like this, there must be a sound that means that your time is realy out. Because the alarm in fact means that the time is almost out but not that you don't have enough time! Of course, i am refering to the ferst part.

Score: +0

Last edited by out_and_about , Jan 8 2015 04:31:21

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