Bug in mexican train

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1. MeowingKitty,

The game will say you can't put a piece there even though you can in the public train. For example: in the game I'm in now it says the public train is 3 so when I go to put 3/11 in the public train it says you can't put that piece here even though you can.

Score: +0

2. YNWA,

I have not seen all your game but I believe it is not a bug.

If YNWA was unable to close his train after playing a double such as a 7/7 domino etc because he was unable to play after picking up a domino, you have to close YNWA's train by playing a domino. If you are unable to play after picking up a domino it goes to the next player or back to YNWA if there is only 2 players.

Score: +0

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