A minor bug with selection of teams using Jaws

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Score: +1

1. Nikola,

in the 3.0, there is a minor bug when setting up teams using Jaws.
While using shift plus up and down arrow keys to move players, the new position for a player is not automatically announced.
In V2, for example, if a player is in team 1, pressing shift plus down arrow will correctly announce his new position in team 2. Of course, players are correctly being moved in both versions, you just have to manually confirm the position by reading the list in the case of V3.

This seems to be working correctly with NVDA in both clients however.

Hopefully it can be fixed in a future update.

Score: +1

2. Aminiel,


I have reproduced and fixed it. It will be in the next client update.

Thank you for signaling.

Score: +1

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