A very strange bug

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1. Riad,

Hello admins. This message is basicly for a very strange and dangerous issue that my friend just told me about. The problem is the following:
I'm used to stay at the French playroom for a longer time than the English one, and the bug is actually in the fact of joining a person sitting in the French main room. So let's say I'm in the "
Salle d'entrée", my friend sitting at the "main room". So if he pressed ctrl+J on my name, he'll join me on the "Salle d'entrée" even that the language remains English. So the bug is when he talks on the main room, he'll talk on the English part, but his message will arrive to us in the French one. I'll give you a very clear example:
Yousuf_khattab has joined Mathieu2, Simonn, Tchounghi and 23 other people at a table of Salle d'entrée. This is not from my proper invention, it is a message I got after switching to English. I hope you can understand me. And you can try and test it as admins, when someone sitting on the English "Main Room" presses CTRL+j on the name of a person sitting on the French one. This is also illogical, as a matter of fact, that people join each other at the main room.
Regards, and hoping you can understand my message

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2. trol ,

Hi, i didn't know how to explain this :p thanks to report it, i really don't know how it could be fixed...

Score: +0

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