Scopa bug.

3 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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1. Naday,

If there are 9 cards on the table and the 10th one you play would take any card, it doesn't do that. An example, I was playing with a friend now and this happened:
On the table are: a 9 of diamonds, an 8 of spades, a 9 of hearts, an 8 of diamonds, an 8 of hearts, a 9 of spades, a 4 of hearts, a 9 of clubs and an ace of diamonds.
You put a 10 of hearts.
It's blackspel's turn.
On the table are: a 9 of diamonds, an 8 of spades, a 9 of hearts, an 8 of diamonds, an 8 of hearts, a 9 of spades, a 4 of hearts, a 9 of clubs, an ace of diamonds and a 10 of hearts.
There was an ace and a four, and the ten didn't take them.

Score: +0

2. Spongebob,

are you sure witch game variant were you playing?

Score: +0

3. Naday,

Yes. I saw it happen multiple times.

Score: +0

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