play room gender

7 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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1. chameleon,

it is weerd to hear all the players are mail, y don't the play room have gender or use neutral gendr.

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2. imprisonedindarkness,

What do you mean by everyone is a male?

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3. Nikola,

it's quite a complex topic. The issue is mostly with the fact that the Playroom supports many languages, quite a few of which handle the gender completely different from the way it is in English, where it is quite simple.

A quite good and detailed answer by the developer was given in Post 9 of the topic you can read at
I hope that explains things a little better and makes them more clear.

For the record I am myself completely in support of the idea of having different genders and allowing translators to define separate messages for different genders, and if the developer ever has enough time to look into this, I would be willing to suggest ways in which this could be done as well as review existing messages for English to see which need to be modified.

@imprisonedindarkness The OP is referring to game messages, which at times call you a he.

Score: +0

Last edited by Nikola, Aug 7 2022 04:28:22

4. imprisonedindarkness,

Thanks Nikola. To fire-dragon's post, I also agree. Gender sensitivity makes the playroom more open to everybody, just like showing respect. But, as cited by Nikola, there are issues that have to be solved first. For us users, it may be simple, but really a big headache to the developers during the implementation at the back end. We can only hope that they can find a way in the future. We can only support it for now.

Score: +0

5. AlirezaDarkk,

lmao, it is because all the players are male. Why do you think that there are girls on the internet?

Score: -1

6. saul,

"all players armail"?
nope i am a human

Score: -1

7. Destranis,

Alireza, could you stop, for God's sake, this meaningless trolling everywhere? I'm usually a calm person but this is getting to be ou tof hand real quick.

Score: +0

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