Quiz Party Question

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Score: +3

1. Isaac5457,

Hello, a quick question regarding Quiz Party.
In the statistics page, there is an element which is just marked as score.
What does this statistic mean? How is it calculated? In most conventional trivia games, a user can see their overall record, as well as statistics for individual categories, broken down into percentages. Consider the statistics for an example player, Jack, for additional context:
Number of games played: 5
Wins: 3
Losses: 2
Score: 2 012 points
In this instance, what does the 2 012 number represent?

Score: +2

2. Nikola,

this is a ranking system that is exactly the same as in a few other games like Backgammon, Chess or Connect 4.

It's basically similar to ELO rating with some differences, if you ever heard about this system. In short, every player starts with a certain amount like 1400 on the Playroom (I could be wrong on this value). You get points by winning games. The amount you win depends on the ranking of your opponent. I'm not entirely sure how it works when there is more than 2 players, but I think you get the basic idea.

Unfortunately, there is now a bug so you can't view rankings for any games, but normally, if you choose a game in statistics and select without bots, you are able to view the best ranked players. Of course, clicking on the view ranking link under your own statistics still works to display your own rank.

For Quiz party, this probably isn't a very serious ranking system, and in general I don't take this too seriously, it's mostly to have a general idea about how good you are compared to others.

Score: +3

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