Help me with a coffee for my studies pleace

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Score: -1

1. Jaguar,

Hello. I am a blind person of Colombian origin who lives and studies in Brazil. The way I got here is a long story, but more or less and summarized is that I did a better life and be able to overcome.
Now I have the opportunity to strengthen my training process with a scholarship that I obtained to go to study in Spain, so I am looking for the necessary economic solvency to be able to meet the procedures of visa, medical insurance and other requirements and be able to take advantage of To the fullest that.
So far I have been a researcher at my university, I am a Spanish and Portuguese student as foreign languages ​​and I just want to continue progressing.
With the value of a coffee that you can invite me using any of the following links:
Value of a coffee in American dollars, five dollars:
Value of a coffee in euros, five euros
I will really be grateful to whoever decides to contribute for this cause.
Excuse the discomfort caused and have an excellent rest of the day.

Educational profile, in Portuguese:

Definitive scholarship resolution, in Spanish. I am in fourth position.

User on Twitter @jaguarunileiro

Score: +1

Last edited by Jaguar, Oct 26 2022 04:49:05

2. elgato,

I would help this guy, but I don't have any money right now. Maybe for the next month.. If you can, please help him.

Score: +1

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