trading in manamon2

5 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

Score: -6

1. SheWolf,

Hello all, please contact me someone who completed manapedia in m2. I would need few manamons. Thanks.

Score: +0

2. gatita77 ,

hello! i've completed manapedia, and I can help you with the trades. I have manamon with 5 or 6 remarcable stats, altough some of them are level 1 ones. If you're interested, please contact me by a permanent or private message.

Score: +0

3. SheWolf,

Hello! Yes please, i would like to trade. if you can.

Score: +0

4. gatita77 ,

hello! please tell me which manamons do you need and when you are available to trade.

Score: +0

5. SheWolf,

heey i need peggisen when so. nothing more.

Score: +0

5 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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