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Score: +4

1. zefir,

Hello everyone!
First of all, I ask you to excuse my English which comes from a translator and I hope to make myself understood easily.
I come here with a desire. I would love to create a group dedicated to Goalball. For those who do not know, I refer you to clear explanations:
It seems very interesting to me that players can meet in a friendly space to discuss competitions, the future of this sport in their country, the progress they are making or to help other players progress in their technique. In short, to create a link around this community so that its members can have international support to discuss it and thus make it live. So I was thinking about creating a WhatsApp group for that. If I see that there are many people who are reluctant to join the group because they do not want their phone number to be displayed, I will consider creating a group on Telegram for example.
So, if players are present on the platform, do not hesitate to come forward to give your opinion so that I get an idea of the relevance of this proposal.
Thanking you in advance.

Score: +1

2. Ryo-Bee,

Hi, this is a great idea. We are still in the starting stages in my country and I know how useful it could be to have support and guidance from more developed countries in the world. I will add you on playroom and we can coordinate the foundation through that way. I will also add that there are some large Goalball groups on Facebook that you can use right now.

Score: +1

3. zefir,

We will please everyone. I created the same group on WhatsApp as on Telegram.
The important thing is to be able to exchange, let's have the widest possible opening! Here are the links, just click on them and log in to join the group.



Score: +1

Last edited by zefir, Nov 22 2022 17:24:48

4. StormProductions,

just to let you know, you've got them reversed. You posted the Telegram link instead of the WhatsApp one, and then the WhatsApp one instead of Telegram one.

Score: +0

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