Rest in peace Ahmed

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1. Riad,

Hi all. I'm sad to tell you that our friend known here as Ahmed, has died today, at the age of 19. I don't know what to say and what to do, he was one of my close friends, and he was a brilliant administrator for, the site we've been working with together. Guys, if you know Ahmed and are hurt from him, please excuse him, and pray God for him.
Rest in peace, my dear friend, the blind community will miss you.
Nothing much to add, since I'm too shocked.

Score: +0

2. Raki,

R.I.P. Ahmed,

From what I know of him, he was a serious guy, a good friend and a person that always stood up for his values.
He was definitely too yung to go.
He will be missed.

Score: +0

Last edited by Raki, May 24 2015 10:27:25

3. CitySilva,

Rest in peace. Yes truly a very very kind person nice to everyone, and didn't take noncense from anyone a person leading by example.

Score: +0

4. Epic_Krrish,

well, I! can't say much also! still trying to come in terms with the news, he always addressed me as bro! and bro is no more? may you rest in peace brother, you will be surely missed and this is shocker to the world of uno! we lost a very good uno player.

Score: +0

5. NovaLenada ,

I am too shocked to say something, tears are felling...
Rest in peace, ahmed... we won't forget you. never...
life is so... cruel... why good person has to go, and so young...
I can't believe... god...

Score: +0

6. Marina,

rest in peace, my dear brother, I will never forget you, you were the most patient and kind person I've ever seen, so helpful with everyone. Why good persons have to leave why? I can't say anything just I can't stop tears of falling down, dunno if it's enough I can't imagine that you won't be there anymore, good bye and I know you're in a good place, such a great person... :( :(

Score: +0

7. MuhammadHajjar,

I really don't know what to say, Ahmad is a very close friend of mine, I am really shocked to, we, the admins team of, don't know what to do after his death, god bless his soul.

Score: +0

8. afrim,

As far as I knew him, he was a very kind person, peaceful and very quiet. Guys like Ahmed are never forgotten. Rest in peace and all the best to his family and his friends.

Score: +0

9. LaraStardust,

I didn't actually know ahmed in person, but his uno skills were legendary from the rumours.
While I never got the pleasure of meeting this fine young man in person I'd like to say a few words in respect.
Ahmed, from what I saw, was a patient quiet individual.
From the very few times I saw him on free tables he would greet me and ask how I was, even though we barely knew each other.
It is, unfortunately, a great loss to not only his family, but his friends, the playroom and in fact, the community of blindtech.
I am, of course, deeply distressed that I was not able to get this fantastic sounding guy more.
He sounds absolutely amazing, so ahmed, dearest brother, friend and colege to the playroom, to blind tech, and to his friends.:
rest in peace and may allah, god and/or the gods bless you in your time of emortal slumber

Score: +0

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