Problem doing alt tab in windows 11

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1. gfriha,

Hello, I have already asked several friends who use screen reader but we can't solve my question and the truth is that it is quite annoying so if you have any idea how to solve my problem I would appreciate the help.
I'm using nvda with a computer that has windows 11 and I don't know why, most of the time when I do alt tab, it reads "panel". I mean I go to edge it says panel, I go to file explorer it says panel, I go to console and it says panel, etc. I can't get it off, I can only work with it by pressing the windows key twice to make it go away. I know that even though it says panel you can work in the window, but the screen reader doesn't read anything so I press the windows key. But the truth is that having to do it almost every time I alt tab is a pain. Any ideas?
P. S. Maybe the word in English is not panel, but i use the laptop in Spanish

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2. phoenix009,

That has happened with me. What you might want to do when it same panel is hit alt+space and hit maximize and you should be able to interact with the window.

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3. lucy_light,

Well, to me, things were a bit different at the beginning.
When pressing alt tab, it behaved as if I did windows tab, like running apps. It kept getting stuck and I always had to click on a certain window from that list, restart my screenreader or my PC and sometimes even try focusing an app, performing alt f4 as if I wanted to close it, when in fact it didn't and so on.
This is how I could work the magic, but it was always a game of chance, so I don't know what to say.
This one with pane is very old, didn't happen to me, but I herd it from others. Horrible anyway!

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4. imprisonedindarkness,

Did you update your nvda? If not, do it. There's a lot of windows 11 fixes recently, but I'm not sure yours is included. Try it anyway.

I'm using windows 10 until all bugs in 11 has been mostly fixed. So I don't have this problem. I've got my lesson in the past, so I mostly place all my device a bit further back than the current version since the developers of screen readers have no working relationship to os developers. It's much more safe. Just my prospective though.

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5. spaceship,

NVDA menu, tools, Run COM Registration Fixing tool... I am not sure, but its something to try, often fixes different issues. I have run it to fix browser issues.

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6. gfriha,

I had 2021.something I think. I updated and now seems it goes ok but tomorrow I'll try again.
Thanks for your answers.

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7. phoenix009,

Yeah. the 2021 version had this problem.

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8. lucy_light,

Yes, it was about that version and sure, the fixing tool helps as well.

Score: +1

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