football5 (blind football)

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Score: +2

1. charizar-3445 ,

Hello sorry for my speling because I'm not english.
I créate this topic to talk about Blind futbol and to mor people discover this veautiful sport.

Score: +0

2. glad,

In blind football, there are four outfield players and one goalkeeper on each team. The outfield players must be classified as totally or almost totally blind, which means they have very low visual acuity and/or no light perception. The goalkeeper can be sighted or partially sighted.
Blind football teams are typically made up of players from the same country or region. However, there are also international teams that compete in tournaments such as the Paralympics and the IBSA World Championships.
Blind football matches are played on a smaller pitch than regular football, measuring 40 meters by 20 meters. The goals are also smaller, measuring 2 meters by 1 meter.
The game is played with a special ball that is filled with ball bearings that make a noise when it moves. This helps the players track the ball's movement.
Matches are played in two 20-minute halves, with a 10-minute break at halftime. The team with the most goals at the end of the match wins.
How they play and meet up
Blind football players use a variety of techniques to help them orient themselves on the field and to play the game. These techniques include:
• A white cane: Players use a white cane to help them feel their way around the field.
• A guide: Each player is guided by a sighted guide who stands behind them and calls out instructions.
• Sound signals: The ball is filled with ball bearings that make a noise when it moves. This helps the players track the ball's movement.
Players also communicate with each other on the field by shouting and tapping the ground with their canes.
Blind football teams typically meet up for training sessions and matches several times a week. They also compete in tournaments throughout the year.

Score: -4

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