just a question

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1. fire-starter,

hey everyone,

Does somebody know the game adventure at C? It's an arcade game. You know when the game's finnished you can create new stages for yourself, and each other.
ok, my question is: if anyone has the game completed you can put your awesome stages here on the tearoom with dropbox or something.


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Last edited by fire-starter, Jul 17 2015 14:15:23

2. Riad,

I have it myself, hope I can help you with putting save files, I have many stages I've done myself.

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3. BlueTardisz,

I don't know how to finish it, i wen to there when you have to jump, but I always die.

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4. nidza09,

aac is not arcade it is a sidescroller but anyway i have completed the game if you want help or spoilers im here and i will also soon start creating stages for it

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5. fire-starter,

oh really? I didn't know. I'm in windows now.

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6. MuhammadHajjar,

I've created a simple one, and there's a new projects for an awesome stages inprogress, like a horror one for example, and other adventure stages not only inside the hard drive, even in the real life.
Oh I forgot: here's the simple stage that I talked about above, called ghost in pc:
For more information about the stage and what is its story:

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7. LaraStardust,

i'd love to make stages for it, thing is i cant beet it lol

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8. MuhammadHajjar,

I didn't expect that I'm that stupid, which I can't beat my own stage which I made by my own hands, hehe :D.

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9. nidza09,

well if you want i can send my save file so that you can make stages

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10. fire-starter,

is that possible?

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11. LaraStardust,

that'd be pretty awesome

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12. fire-starter,

yep it would

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13. nidza09,

i will as soon as i get my internet fixed

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14. Riad,

Hello there. No need to do it I think, there's already a file with max stats, and Muhammad's file is more then awesome if you wanna make stages with, but I don't know if he'll put it here since he did on another forum.

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15. fire-starter,

awesome stages muhammad, good work

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