braille Rubics cube is avalable?

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1. glad,

Hi people, I wanted to know weather braille Rubics cube is avalable?

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2. Caoimhe,

They definitely are. You could also easily make it on your own if you have someone sighted who can help you.

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3. YNWA,

Yes they have been around since the late 1980s. I used to like to take them apart and put them back together in the correct order, lol.

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4. Naday,

You lucky. Once my dad tried to trick me by pretending he solved my cube but instead he broke it LOL. However, to be able to solve my cubes my parents marked each side with braille tape, indicating the beginning letter of each color, or they also attached stickers with distinctive shapes to identify each face. I also had other cubes that don't require of sight to solve them. In Mexico, we refer to one particular type as the "mirror" cube, although I'm not sure if that's its official name. The mirror cube is not only (or at all) about arranging the colors in the correct order. It's hard to explain, but every small cube it has, has a unique shape or size, making it necessary to arrange them correctly in order to form the shape of a cube. I think that makes it a bit more challenging for sighted people since some don't have coloured faces at all and it's only about the shape and size.

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5. Caoimhe,

Oh I'd get that one. I wonder if it's available here.

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6. glad,

So how to make it. My rubics cube is broken and IDK where to get another.

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7. Naday,

Google for it or search on local stores, that's all I can advice you.

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8. glad,

is there an acceseble version of it online.

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9. Caoimhe,

I found this for example:

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10. lucy_light,

Personally, I've never had a braille version, but I own the other one, with the distingtive shapes and stuff.

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11. sound2,

I've never seen that one. The braille version that is. I only had the ordinary one. I never solved it, just played with it. And that was interesting, Diana.

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12. Emerald,

Amazon sells tactile ones. Also the braille super store should have some.

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13. gemmi,

can't find the braille version on amazon.

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14. Emerald,

I actually don’t know what a bra ill version is …. I just got one from amazon which is tactile. It has raised shapes and lines to mark the colours.

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15. Vojvoda,

At my workplace I got a gift for my birthday, it was a normal rubix cube but with 3d printed shapes, minus, plus, circles, squares, triangles, and the white side was empty.

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16. glad,

that one I ment. Where is it available.

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17. MuhammadHajjar,

We do actually sell it here in the center I work in.

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18. gatia ,

I am a fan of cubes, I love them and personally I do not like the cubes that have been adapted because they are from a company that makes poor quality cubes, from my point of view, at least that is what I think after experimenting with this model for a while.

Mine has pieces with shapes, the yellow ones have little dots, the white ones have nothing, the orange ones have a cross, the red ones have a square, etc., but the cube spins very very slowly, and the price is about 20 dollars, without a doubt not worth it.

Personally, I think you could buy a good quality cube for that price and adapt it using shapes and such. It's cheaper.

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