should playroom have games like psudocu?

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1. glad,

Hi people, I have got an idea the playroom has so many types of games. if we can include psudocu it would be great. what are your thoughts?.

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2. Aminiel,


I have always been mostly against solitaire games on the playroom.
Not because these games aren't interesting, but essentially because I found basically that it doesn't make much sense to connect on a online platform like the playroom in order to finally always play alone.

However, a lot of people actually play alone with bots all the time and rarely with other people.
I observe that there are much less tables without bots nowadays than several years ago. I can't explain why it's so, and I find that sad, but well, it's so.

Therefore, it might be useful to think again about it, not specially for sudoku in particular, but rather for solitaire games in general. Sudoku is given here as an example, but we might think about klondik, free cell, mines, or various other kinds of number or word puzzles, it would be the same.

I don't know exactly how much it would actually be worth it today.

Score: +0

3. YNWA,

I still think it is best to play other players, yes sometimes things don't go so well but most of the time it is fine. I do prefer to learn new games with bots before playing real people but still have played without knowing and picked it up.

I do understand you wanting people to play together and perhaps make good friendships after getting to know some of the other players but there are advantages to having individual games in the PR as there are for two-player games as adventure-time suggested a while ago. If I am waiting for someone who I had agreed to play previously I could start an individual game instead of leaving if they are late or in a another game. If someone is new to the PR maybe they would find it easier to play some individual games, getting to know people gradually. Maybe some don't know many of the games at first so it is a good way to learn about the PR and how it works.

In Duck racing there are some challenges that could be expanded into individual games and some new individual games could become new challenges in Duck racing depending how they would work out.

What ever happens the amount of people using the PR will just get bigger.

Score: +0

4. glad,

psudocu is an enjinious game and I was thinking of other versions of it. The one is called Jigsaw Sudoku. "Jigsaw Sudoku puzzles follow the same basic rules as regular Sudoku puzzles but they have a range of sizes (6x6, 7x7, 8x8 or 9x9) and use irregular shaped groups instead of boxes. For example, A1, A2, B1, B2, B3 and C3 make up a group in the 6x6 puzzle."
Finally, I have hurd of Killer Sudoku. "Killer Sudoku puzzles follow the same basic rules as regular Sudoku puzzles and are always 9x9. However, at the start of the game there are no squares filled in, so the puzzle is completely blank, and there are groups of adjoining cells, of various shapes and sizes, with a total given for each group. For example, A1 and B1 may form a group where the total is 17."

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