Ninety-nine summer party

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1. Riad,

Hey all lads and ladies. So, this summer is, like I called it, the summer of tournaments. We've had a brilliant Uno tournament, then a one coming soon, we had a farkle one, then we'll have a Cribbage one, then some people are doing tournaments for 1000 miles and Monopoly. I see that it is my turn now to make my own one, after the somehow failiure of my previous one due to the death of my friend Ahmed, which was one of the organizers. Today's tournament is a collaboration between me Riad, Jason, Dardar and Muhammad_hajjar. The matches will start on Thursday 13 and will continue Friday 14 August.
Here is the starting time according to some countries, which will be the same for both days:
18:00 London time (GMT).
19:00 Egypt, East-Affrica, France, the Netherlands, Western Europ and playroom time (Switzerland).
20:00 in the middle-East (Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, etc)
12:00 PM in Mexico.
If you don't see your country in the list then PM me and I'll tell you the time there.
Rules of participation:

  1. The tournament is open for all: it's better that you send a friend request to one of us just before the matches start so that we can see when you're online.
  2. You shouldn't, in any way, talk during the round: we're giving you the 15-second in-between-rounds break to talk in, and we can expand the time to 30 seconds if necessary. In case you talk once, you'll be given a warning from the master. If it happened twice, he'll kick you for some 2 or 3 minutes then he'll invite you again. If the thing occured for the third time, you'll be eliminated from the tournament. We can understand people writing in the break and sending the messages at the beginning of the next round, that's normal and there'll be no penalty for that.
  3. Talking in any non-English language is strongly forbidden, we'll apply the same penalties mentionned above in 2.
  4. Crashing speech synths for other players will cause you a permanant elimination from the tournament without any discussion.
  5. You must treat all other players with respect: there are many players under 18 and there are many which don't have English as their first language, so try to put that in consideration.
  6. And finally, you must confirm your presence one day before the matches so that we know if you'll be still able to participate.
  7. Registration:
    The registration is open from today to Sunday August 9th, and the matchups will be posted Monday August 10th.
    How will we play:
    The games aren't standard, each player will start with 15 pennies, the final match will however be having 21 pennies instead of 15.
    Each organizer will be at a table and having a certain amount of players, thus there'll be 3 matches going at the same time, unless one of us got absent, at which point we'll try to solve it as fast as possible, but I hope it doesn't happen. The matchups will be divided by table: each group will have as a table master one of us, meaning either me, Jason or Muhammad.
    How many players do we need?
    Well, we're planning to have 32 as a number, but if we get more we won't kick the people out, since we will need replacements for sure.
    When you want to participate, it's better that you tell us how sure are you.
    That's, I think, everything you need to know about the tournament. Boot, your, place, now!

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Last edited by Riad, Jul 19 2015 20:24:11

2. wolfi,

alright bro, I'm in for sure, and good luck for your tournament and your helpers, I'm the first one who will be participated, :d

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3. Riad,

All right man, your name is in. Hurry up guys and take your place today!

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4. Giovani ,

OK, I'll be happy to be part of this ninetynine party too.

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5. Popoluska ,

count me also Sir!

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6. Epic_Krrish,

hey, count me in but tell the time for fiji ll

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7. NovaLenada ,

count me in!

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8. Exink,

Oh sorry, but if this is gonna take place in Thursday, I fear that I won't be able to participate due to scholar reasons. That's a shame... So good luck to the other players!

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Last edited by Exink, Jul 20 2015 00:44:55

9. MuhammadHajjar,

Alright, your names are in.

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10. Riad,

@saniel-yunier sorry man, hope you can participate another time.
Guys I've recognized something, post 1 is being updated about how many pennies the games will start with since I forgot to mention it there.

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11. cherry-blossom,

Count me in, guys, i'd love to participate

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12. Riad,

Your name is in, thanks for joining.

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13. uno-gamer,

arab bro? cont me?

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14. MuhammadHajjar,

kiristi-yano, your name is in.

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15. Riad,

well I don't know why do you love always putting the word "Arab" when chatting with me :D. Anyway, welcome to the tournament.
A friendly reminder for all who have participated so far: by signing up, you're agreeing to all our policies. I know this is obvious but just wanted to restate it. And for people wanting to participate and not knowing what time will it be in their country or city, don't hesitate to ask us, we're present daily here and you can send us a permanent message if you don't find us online.

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16. LaraStardust,

i'd love to participate, but like samuel, the timing for me is not so good, so sorry but cant, good luck anyway!

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17. Riad,

greetings from my Iphone this time:D. Oh man. Really sad you both cannot, hope to have you in next tournaments.

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18. Popoluska ,

ya, i would love to ask, what time it wll be here, and also day, haha i am not here too offten.

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19. Riad,

Well it'll be 07:00 PM in the Slovakian capital, at the same days of course.

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20. Popoluska ,


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21. Riad,

You're welcome!

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22. Stenaldo,

All, Right! Let's get ready for the 99 game tournament! Wish luck to all of you!
The best!

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23. Riad,

Hi. @stenaldo really thanks for your very kind words. But just to know: will you be participating? I remember when I last talked with you you told me that you won't be able. If you'll be then just tell me and I'll be more then happy to add you to the party.

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24. afrim,

It is a large possibility that I can participate in this tournament :)

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25. Riad,

Well you have 3 complete weeks to make your decision :D. Hope to see you there.

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26. rauly ,

count me in

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27. MuhammadHajjar,

Ok will do, thanks.

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28. tayem1997 ,


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29. Riad,

All right man, your name is in.

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30. aravis,

hello, you can take me in also. you remember me, i played bouillabaisse with you and ynwa. i'll be able to participate.

Score: +0

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