
6 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

Score: +1

1. Emerald,

Who plays scrabble around here? I’m just curious.

Score: +0

2. Caoimhe,

I like the game, but my English vocabulary isn't big enough for this. Unfortunately.

Score: +0

3. glad,

I also play scrabel. Thanks for offer.

Score: +0

4. YNWA,

I first learnt to play Scrabble when I was in Junior school then I got my own board. I used to pretend I was playing another player by having 2 lots of letters and I feel this system would be good for the PR as it would in the long-term encourage more to play.

Apparently it is best to know all the small words as you can use up your letters when there is not much space.

I have seen/read some variants of Scrabble. One is teams. A bigger board and more letters. Another version was everybody has a minute to create a word, the person with the best scoring word gets to play their word and get the points. Also with the new variants that a bigger board would allow for more players to play.

Score: +0

Last edited by YNWA, Jul 21 2023 11:18:24

5. Emerald,

You can play alone which is a good thing when no one is around. Xd.

Score: +0

6. YNWA,

You can play individually but there are some limitations. In a game of scrabble you may have bad letters even at the start so you are unable to make longer words. If it is you only playing then if you put down a 3 letter word you would only pick up 2 tiles after the first word. If you can play as a second player then the options improve as player 2 may have better letters to make a longer word. The longer the words the more the board is spread which means more chances to create new and bigger words. You don't want to keep exchanging your tiles as that wouldn't be normal in scrabble.

Score: -1

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