The Renaissance wrist watch

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Score: +1

1. lucy_light,

Hello there!
Recently, I received a Renaissance wrist watch. It seemed complicated at first sight, but surprisingly, now I love it. I had no problem setting up time or understanding its signals, I actually enjoy exploring and using it, but I was wondering how to get the windows sincronization app, as I can't find it. The date would be easier to set this way. Can someone help me? Thanks in advance!
Best regards!

Score: +0

2. sound2,

never heard of such a watch. Qute name.

Score: +0

3. glad,

is it a braille or talking watch?

Score: +0

4. lucy_light,

None of these. It is based on a system of signals and vibrations.

Score: +0

5. sound2,

Wow, have never seen it or heard of it.

Score: +0

6. lucy_light,

NP. Actually, I am going to try something else. Maybe it automatically sincs if I connect it to PC via its usb support. Again, if anyone knows something, just share it here.

Score: +0

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