username changes

11 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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1. LaraStardust,

hello people
so I really just opened this discussion to see what you think about username changes.
Are they really needed?
Are they loved hated?
Do you like it, hate it?
Do you think it should be abolished or kept.
So really I just opened this topic for a nice easy debate on, are username changes really needed?
Are they just a way for someone to hide behind a keyboard?
Or are they awesome, swaggy and cool.

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2. BhavyaShah ,

Dear all,
Is there any permanent and unchanging aspect or information of a member through which we can identify a Playroom member?
If yes, then I doubt if any significant or insurmountable disadvantage of allowing username changes exists.
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah.

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3. LaraStardust,

yah, was just wondering on peoples opinions on this weather they think its good or not

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4. YNWA,


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5. LaraStardust,

why what

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6. YNWA,

what is your motivation for this topic?

At present people can't even have their name changed here so effectively people are not allowed to change there usernames now.

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7. LaraStardust,

curiosity. And what are you implying by that YNWA?

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8. YNWA,

Your topic was a bit random! It is not as if people were asking about username changes or something. I think it was only fair to ask what your motives were especially as you did not put up a good case either way.

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9. gaurasuryavanshi,

I love the user names changing.

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10. LaraStardust,

see that is what i wanted to see... From shadow there, what people think, its purely an open boat debate topic

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11. sundar-raani ,

Sometimes the changing is good, sometimes no. I can not say anything more.

Score: +0

11 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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