New feature: topic labels

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Score: +5

1. Aminiel,

Hello all,

A new feature has been added to the forum: labels.
You can now put a label like solved, ongoing, finished, etc. on a topic. If a label has been put on a topic, you will see it right after the topic title, inside parentesis.

Labels have several usefulnesses:

  • Tell that an answer to a question has been given or that a problem has been solved
  • Tell that a tournament or other event is open, finished, or doesn't take any further registration
  • Follow the state of bug repports
  • Follow the state of new games or features

Normally, the names of these labels should be clear enough, and it should be intuitive enough to know when and which to use them.

Here are the labels currently available. This list may change according to your feedbacks.

  • Solved
  • Ongoing and finished
  • Full
  • Cancelled
  • Accepted and refused
  • Trash

See you soon!

Score: +2

Last edited by Aminiel, Sep 21 2023 18:38:03

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