disability test

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Score: +1

1. sailormoondiamond,

Hello, good morning, for a personal project, I have decided to open this thread, where I will place a series of questions, to generate research answers, for the content of my channel, your answers will be handled anonymously, please indicate country when answering, thank you very much for your cooperation.

1 How has your educational development been?
2 When leaving his school he was driving the following:
Orientation and mobility.
Braille 1 and 2
3 Is currently engaged in extra-curricular activities
4 Do you usually travel alone?
5 Have you travelled alone in or outside your country?
6 Do you have a university degree?
7 How did you perceive employment in your country?
8 Are you able to integrate with people without disabilities?
9 Have you managed to raise a family of your own
10 Have you received timely and relevant support from your family?
11 Have you been able to achieve your goals with the necessary support for your condition?
12 Have you been able to make friends in the world of people without disabilities without feeling diminished by them?
13 Is able to manage equally well with people with disabilities than with people without disabilities?
14 You are able to solve without support those issues that do not need it?

the abbreviations are broken down as follows:

Activities of Daily Life.
braille 1: short braille.
braille 2: stenographic braille.

Score: +0

2. Marina,

Hi there,

I have a few comments and suggestions.
First of all, how would you process our answers anonymously if we reply here or even privately to you? such questionnaires are often done on Google forms, my personal favorit, Microsoft forms or other survey websites like Surveymonkey and alike. These would allow you the option to have anonymous answer, and I guess some of them also allows you to have only 1 answer per user without collecting their emails.
Second, would you tell us more about the purpose and motivation of this study? where will you use it and what for, why should we participate etc.
Now let's get to the content of the questions, open-ended questions are vague and hard to analyze, it's much better to make your questions in the form of yes or no, or single/multiple choice questions.
Also, many of the questions here are not clear and need to be revised since they don't make a lot of sense, or are too vague.
for example, 1 How has your educational development been?
What do you mean here? from which aspect? That's why it's better to give choices, we can't understand what you have in mind.
2 When leaving his school he was driving the following:
Orientation and mobility.
Braille 1 and 2
This question totally doesn't make sense, what do you mean here by driving any of those options?
3 Is currently engaged in extra-curricular activities
This is also not very clear and needs to be reworded.
But anyway I will stop here, hope that was helpful.

Score: +1

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