What do you think of the new games?

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1. HeadphoneJack,

Odds are that most of you have noticed there are new items in the game menu, and that a bunch of old ones have been jumbled around as well. Interestingly none of these got announced in any way, not even in the updates and work in progress topic. Regardless, what are your guys' first impressions, which ones do you like, and which ones don't you like as much?

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2. Nikola,

We all know 1000 is the best game, because I suggested it…
Jokes aside, I'm of course a trick-taking games fan, so I was really happy to see it implemented here so quickly. I hope also to see the 2 and 4 players versions one day, as making the game more flexible and adaptable to different situations depending on the number of players will certainly make it more popular.
And of course, after people learn how it works, it would be quite fun to host a tournament.

Golf really surprised me, it is quite a simple game, but also quite fun, which can be said about many games on the Playroom, and I personally think this game will be the most successful out of these three. I like it, and it's quite easy to learn.

I have nothing special to say about Fives and threes, I am not really a dominoes fan, so this is not my kind of game. I hope Dominoes fans will enjoy it.

Also, nice reorganization of the games list. If I was nitpicking for a moment, probably the only thing I would change is not put Golf below Hearts and all these trick taking games, as it doesn't really fit the flow. currently as it seems mostly similar games are grouped between each other.
We don't really have anything all that similar, but I would perhaps put it below Rummy, if only because you draw from the deck but can draw from the discard as well.
Similarly, I would put 5s and 3s as well as Mexican train below Dominoes.

PS: If we don't count arcade games (which are a little abandoned), we now have 40 classic games. What a nice milestone!

Score: +1

3. HeadphoneJack,

That's funny, because when talking about the game with my friends I described it as "Nikola - the game", not knowing you were the one that suggested it.

1000 is rather different from most trick taking games on here, I didn't get to play it much with actual people but it takes more time to complete and you can't easily slip into it, you need a few practice rounds just to get an idea what hands win and which ones are flops.

I love playing golf with other people, there's nothing that makes a table more alive than someone replacing a face down card only to see it's a joker.

I didn't care much about the order but now that I noticed it does feel off to see golf under hearts, or that fives and threes and mexican train are so far away from dominoes. I don't know where it is exactly now but I know texas holdem was between something like uno and scopa for a long while which always felt weird.

Score: +0

4. Aminiel,


I'm happy that these new games are well received. Thank you for your interest.

For the order in the create table list, I'm trying to group games by similarity, but I'm also trying to place the most popular ones on the top.
This explains my choice of putting Dominos quite on the top, as it's quite popular, while the two other domino games are grouped further down. We'll see for fives and threes, but mexican train isn't that popular and so should probably not be present on top.
Poker has been moved down, as it isn't as popular as it once was. Its previous position quite on top is easily explained by the fact that it was historically among the first games of the playroom (the third one after uno and 1000 miles, actually)

There is nothing urgent, but now that we have reached 40 titles, it may be interesting to think about reorganizing the list.
Should it be divided into categories? Categorizing isn't as easy as it seems, for example "Trick-taking game" doesn't mean much for those who aren't a lot into card games, and just separating card/dice/board games probably isn't enough. I'm afraid to make less popular games becoming even less popular by doing something like this.
Should users be able to define favorites, which will stay on top all the time?
Should the reorganization also apply to join and/or restore menus?
Well, quite some questions.

Score: +1

5. glad,

You can organise by main catagories like cards, boards and dominoes and keep the games as subcatagaries.

Score: -1

6. Nikola,

I don't think the list should be divided into categories. After all, dice games would have just 4 in the list, (not counting Backgammon as a dice game since it's a board game), and word games would have only 2, so it probably wouldn't make a lot of sense. More importantly however, it would break the flow of quickly creating a table using first letter navigation, i.e. create a new table, type CR quickly, you are on Cribbage. Furthermore, some games fall into multiple categories, Scrabble is a word game but also a board game, so it may not always be clear. In the same sense we have the Quiz which is the only trivia game at the moment.

As you said it's nothing urgent, and we probably shouldn't experiment too much with it either. It's rare and I don't understand why it's the case, but actually the fact the new games weren't at the bottom of the list already confused some people, and I've received some questions about where are the new games and if they are gone. Hopefully the forum announcement helps with that...
If anything is done about it, perhaps a very simple solution, let people move the games around in the list with shift+up and down, and save the selection for each user. In this case it should apply to the join menu, but I don't see why it would be relevant for the restore menu. In that case the tables are sorted from newest to oldest, and it's probably the most logical. Anyway the first letter navigation in that menu is the most important item for me, and even with 40 items it's easy to find what you want.

Score: +1

7. Emerald,

I think it’s fine the way it is. I usually just press the first letter of the name of the game. For example pressing c will go to connect4, chess etc. separating with divisions will make it harder and less with the flow of things. But this is just my view.

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8. HeadphoneJack,

Yeah adding submenus would only confuse users, new and old ones alike. 40 games isn't actually that much, especially since most people just press the letter to quickly jump to a specific one.

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9. Aminiel,


Thank you, that's what I thought. Letter navigation makes it pretty efficient, so there's nothing to change.
On mobile, though, the question remains, as there isn't letter navigation there.

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10. glad,

Then on web client we can add a search box where we can search for the games. like google search. we type the first letter of the game and game will show up.

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11. HeadphoneJack,

Good point about mobile, although I think that the search box would only complicate the interface for a rather small issue. I have a vague memory of activating some screen search thing while using talkback will have to test how well it works in practice.

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12. glad,

it will act as google search if it can be possible

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13. unolover,

I love the new games thay are grate thank you fore putting them

Score: +0

14. Emrah20,

Most of those games I like Golf. Similar games, like Kopa or Bahno exists in Czech republic and Slovakia.

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