Where to create a pool?

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1. Giovani ,

I have one question. Exists something for blind users to create an online Pool?
Thank You!

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2. wolfi,

what is pool though?

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3. Giovani ,

Pool is for voting.

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4. LaraStardust,

you mean like a pole? like they vote a b c or d?

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5. YNWA,

Yes he means a pole where you vote on such as an election. They do these in RS Games. One example would be would you like to see Quiz Party added to the English part of the platform? They don't do it here and I guess there are no plans too!

Pool is a game that has some simularities to Snooker.

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6. LaraStardust,

Yeah my thoughts exactly YNWA wasnt sure if this is a game request or a request of how to do a pole lol.

Well while we don't have pole creation on the playroom, one method you could do is:

  1. Create a topic, maybe call it gaming
  2. In the body type: Which of the following games would you like to see on the english server:
  3. quiz party
  4. 2 kings corner
    3 solitair
    4 snap
    Please vote by commenting with a number.
    This pole closes on August 16th at 10:30 PM eastern european time

This is just one suggestion then people can comment a numbert and stuff, and on the 16th you can give the totals at the bottom.

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7. BhavyaShah ,

This is an interesting proposition.
I think there should be an annual poll listing all the games that have been requested throughout year, where users can vote and comment, and according to the polling results, Aminiel can focus in implementing the most demanded games and features.
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah.

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8. LaraStardust,

could work, i was just using games as an example but yeah that could work

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9. Giovani ,

I think to create a pole, like for vacation, or something, like this.

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