problem with reading history with jaws 24 (finished)

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1. sky360,

Hello, after updating to Jaws 2024, when I am trying to read history in playroom using up and down arrows, it is lagging and not as snappy as it should be. in previous versions it was fine, but now it is reading after like half a second of me pressing the arrow key. anyone experienced the same issue? if yes did you find a solution?

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2. Aminiel,


Zorvax and me have observed the same behavior. The playroom isn't the only program where it occurs, so it's very probably a bug of Jaws 2024.

WE have also observed the same problem in the log window of filezilla, and in the jaws dictionary. It would be interesting to know if you find it also.
To test in the jaws dictionary, open it via Insert+D or Insert+F2, press the add button to add a definition. The two fields where you enter a word and its replacement are extremely slow as well.

We have both already contacted freedom scientific about it, and I encourage you to do the same.
The more we complain, the sooner and the more eager they will fix it.

In the meantime until we get a fix, there is unfortunately nothing to do. You may try to maximize the window, sometimes it's coming back to normal speed for a while, but sadly it doesn't always work and it's only temporary.

Score: +1

Last edited by Aminiel, Nov 10 2023 14:03:41

3. sky360,

Hello. thanks a lot for the reply. after you pointed it out, I tested and observed the same in the add word dialogue box. I don't know if freedom scientific would be pleased to hear from me though, as I am an unauthorized user. but I think that is irelavent. I will surely tell my friends who are using authorized Jaws to get in touch with FC. and lets hope it gets fixed as soon as possible.

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4. Aminiel,


This isn't as irrelevant as you may think. One of the first question the FS support asks you is your serial number. If you don't have one, they will close your case immediately.
Why should them care if you didn't pay, after all ?

In reality, there are 99% chances that being authorized or not doesn't change anything for the bug.

Score: +1

5. sky360,

i meant that it was irrelavent to this topic. and I don't mean that I don't care, I meant that fsc wouldn't care if I mail them because, I am not an authorized user.

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