penality points in UNO

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1. BhavyaShah ,

Dear all,
Firstly, I guess for linguistic proficiency in Playroom's interface, the word 'penality' is probably rightly spelled as 'penalty' in the context in which I understand it to be in.
Anyways, when are penality points given to players in the game of UNO? Also, I have often read the announcement of penalty points given to other players in a group match and two player match, but, never to myself, yet, I surely believe that I too am receiving penalty points.
Could someone explain what all this is, when penalty points are given to whom and on the basis of what?
Sorry for my ignorance...
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah.

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2. LaraStardust,

The way I understand it is if you press enter and it is either not your turn or not an interception, you get a penality point

i.e blue 0 is played
bob plays red 0
you hit yellow 1, you get 3 points for every time you hit enter, i think

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3. YNWA,

it is an error as it should say penalty points and has been there for years. It is the same with Seri in 6 takes it should say Series. Just one of millions of tasks that get delayed through having a lack of helpers in the English section. We need people that are dedicated to the English part and have the intrest of the people at heart not people that no longer have the time to dedicate their services through one reason or another.

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4. Riad,

Yeah. In fact the French word we know is peinalité. Therefore since both words are similar, Aminiel has translated it "penality" instead of its true word "penalty" and yeah this thing is here from the first day of Uno.

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5. LaraStardust,

wow'w'w'w'w'w'w'w'w'w'w'w'w'w! chill ax! lolol its only a word, chill chill

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6. YNWA,

You say that but English is not the first language for many here and sometimes it is their third and even fourth language so if it is not spot on how can you expect people to understand games. Look at the Little exam for example, so many errors and people wonder why so few play it! Many of us have offered to help but again no response it seams as if they just don't care!

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7. BhavyaShah ,

Dear dardar,
Thanks for the information. I often just randomly go on hitting Enter on cards when a super-interception is possible or I know that I have the right card to do something, and, accidentally, the wrong card gets activated.
I guess this is another factor contributing to my losses in UNO.
We must notify Aminiel about linguistic errors ourselves until English helpers are chosen, so, for now, a shoutout to Aminiel to fix these two minor spelling errors.
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah.

Score: +0

8. Exink,

Sirs, sirs, sirs; we aren't going to discuss about if a word is spelt for example "EyePhone" or "iPhone". Maybe it is an error, but it's not so necesary to place enphasis, I believe.

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Last edited by Exink, Aug 5 2015 18:34:20

9. Raki,

When you here "too late!" this means that you have gotten 3 points.

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10. BhavyaShah ,

Linguistic accuracy is essential to demonstrate and ensure professionalism and quality in content.
But, anyways, knowing penalty points probably shall help me play more wisely in games.
By the way, is there any method in existence by which we can disable the announcement of other players getting penalty points, perhaps? If not present, would anyone like me be interested in the availability of such a feature?
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah.

Score: +0

11. LaraStardust,

agree with sanuel unier or how ever its spelt, sorry for that...
and ok ok ok wowwww'w'w'w'w'w *cries out to the helpers and the admins please help! YNWA is going to blow a gasket! lool

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12. YNWA,

It is not a complaint about the spelling of one word or sevral but many and the meaning that can offen change the understanding of games for even those that are fluent in English. I make no appologies for that or my campaining in recent months to improve things for the benefit of others because had I said nothing then I feel sure nothing would have happened for months if not years as the English part is seen as the basket case for the rest of the PR.

I have lost count of the number of players or games I have taught over the past couple of years but it has been many and impossible to count on your fingers and toes! Even people that are fluent in English find it difficult to follow the rules that are placed in the game or on the website. the rules need to be put into as clearer instructions as possible so more can play games. Had I been selected as one of the helpers witch will not happen now (perhaps face does not fit) then I would have tried to get instructions put on the website in languages that are not covered in the playroom. I am sure people for example in the English part of the playroom would not object for someone that spoke Romanian/Arabic etc to access the rules in their language and then came to the English part as usual knowing they are able to understand the games much better. They could still have pretty good English but having it in their own language would make it much easier. I know many would be prepared to help make this happen.

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13. Exink,

I'm agree about the profesionalism, but it's not a thing which we must worry about.

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14. LaraStardust,

That, is a rant worthy of my respect, congrats YNWA lool

but actually i do agree some of the rules are really hard to follow to the point where i just ask other players.

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