The first 6 Takes tournament

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1. Mayank ,

Hey guys,

The term “summer of tournaments” has been tossed around here many times. Well, here’s another one coming your way!

Imthechampraki and I are planning to hold the first ever 6 takes tournament on the playroom.
It will take place on Saturday, August 22 at:
4 pm GMT, which is also 8 am western, 10am central, 11am eastern, 5pm central Europe and Egypt, 6pm the middle east and Eastern Europe, 7:30pm iran, 8:30pm india.

As always, if you have any questions about time, don’t hesitate to ask either of us.

We realise that 6 takes is not a popular game here, however, this game requires a fare amount of mind power and planning. This is one of the few strategic-based games on here, and we believe starting a tournament like this is a good way perhaps for people to start noticing this game.

We will set out a format for this tournament only after we've seen how many have signed up.
So keep a close eye and follow this topic!
This tournament will be played in advanced mode; for those who are not familiar with this mode, it’s very similar to the normal version, just ask one of us and we will gladly explain.

We firmly ask that you show up for the tournament on time. Please remember that the prospects for replacing someone for a 6 takes tournament are minimal at best. So please, if you sign up, do turn up.
Note: if it so happens that a player hasn’t arrived, his or her opponent will move on to the next round.
We kindly ask that you try your best and hold back the urge to chat during rounds.
To sign up, reply to this post or message Mayank or Imthechampraki on the playroom.

We are very excited to get this first ever 6 takes tournament under way. We believe that it will be both very enjoyable and a great experience for all.

Good luck and have fun!

Mayank and Raki

Score: +0

Last edited by Mayank , Aug 8 2015 09:31:17

2. YNWA,

Today is 8 August, next week 15 after that 22 and 29 August. Tuesday is 25 August so can you clear up when the tournament will be played?

Score: +0

Last edited by YNWA, Aug 8 2015 11:01:45

3. Riad,

Saturday will be the 22nd, anyway even though I play 6 takes but I won't be at home at the time of the tournament if it'll be on Saturday, since we normally get out of home each Saturday.

Score: +0

4. Mayank ,

Apologies. It's Saturday August 22nd; I've corrected that in the post now. Thank you.

Score: +0

5. Cristina ,

Sad emoticon Unfortunately I can not take part in, cause I'll be on the holiday at that time, although I love this game and would have loved also to participate. Anyway good luck to everyone and congrats Mayank and raki for this great idea of organizing it!

Score: +0

Last edited by Cristina , Aug 8 2015 21:01:12

6. Raki,

9 players have signed up so far and more to come! We are very pleased with the reception; it seems as if there is more interest in this game than we had thought.
Keep ‘em coming.

Score: +0

7. aravis,

i'll be able to participate, it would be fun.

Score: +0

8. Raki,

Cool, thanks

Score: +0

9. faraz,

hay mayank, its awesome man. do add my name as a participent.

Score: +0

10. ngu2015,

Add me

Score: +0

Last edited by ngu2015, Aug 10 2015 19:25:18

11. Raki,

Done, Thank you all for joining!

Score: +0

Last edited by Raki, Aug 10 2015 20:11:27

12. aravis,

i'm awfully sorry, but should i understand that i'm also included?

Score: +0

13. Mayank ,

Of course, Aravis. you're a part of the tournament now. welcome. :)

Score: +0

14. mo_hamdy,

add me

Score: +0

15. Raki,

Hi mido, We’d love to take you in to the tournament, however, Mayank or I have never spoken to you. We really can’t afford someone not showing up for this tournament so we really need to speak to you directly. We have sent you an inbox, so hopefully you reply.

Score: +0

16. Jaggu.HAL ,

waw!!! newly learnt game but very enthusiostic to participate in this.

Score: +0

17. Epic_Krrish,

don't forget to count 1 and only in!

Score: +0

18. Exink,


Please add me if there's any space left for me. Thanks a lot.

Score: +0

Last edited by Exink, Aug 13 2015 05:34:13

19. Raki,

Hi guys,
The matchups will be posted here on the forums on wednesday, so keep an eye out for them!
If there's any of you that haven't joined yet; and would like to join, well, now is the time.
I can't stress enough how important it is to show up on time for this tournament; unlike other tournaments, it would be hard for us to find replacements for this particular tournament dew to the small number of players that play 6 takes.
Thank you, and remember to check back to see who you're playing!

Score: +0

20. YNWA,

How many players are we talking of?

How will the tournament work?

how long do you think the games will take?

If these questions have some kind of answer it may persuade pmore to sign up.

Score: +0

21. Raki,

Hi ynwa,
This post was done just to remind players when the matchups will be posted and to pick up any last minute players.
We can't give any definit number or format because we have a few players that are unsure of weather they'd like to play or not, so therefor our format can totaly change if someone drops out.
But thanks for your concern.
Everyone'll get the format on wednesday!

Score: +0

Last edited by Raki, Aug 17 2015 22:24:27

22. faraz,

hi ffolks, I am wondering when the match schedules will be post at the forum ?. today is august 20th and at 22nd the tornament is taking place.

Score: +0

23. Raki,

apolagies, they have been posted now. check topic "Match ups and format for the 6 takes tournament"

Score: +0

Last edited by Raki, Aug 20 2015 18:33:51

24. pistachio,

hi. how are you

Score: +0

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