Gameroom will be presented on My podcast, but in Slovak language

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Score: -2

1. Emrah20,

I have My podcast Tanuki space podcast. This podcast is in My mother tongue, Slovak.
Quentin C's Gameroom will be presented on this podcast on 12. 12. 2023 at 10:00 AM Bratislava time.
New York time: 4:00 AM
Istanbul time: 12:00 PM
Cairo: 11:00 AM
Prague: 10:00 AM (same as in Slovakia)
Australia: 8:00 PM
Mexico: 3:00 AM
Toronto, Canada: 04:00 AM
I don't know good date & time converter, so please post me some.
You can check this link lately or on the next day at:
Thank You.
Marco Oros

Score: -1

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