Question for Muslim

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Score: +2

1. Quintin-Dziadkiewicz,

Hello, I would like to ask a serious questions for muslims for cultural learning for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Memistan. From my understanding, interacting with pigs and pork product is considered haram. I can not find information on internet about 2 items. Is it against Islamic rules to play the dice game pig and are muslim allowed to use piggy bank? What are the limits?

Score: +2

2. Mohammedradwan2003,

What is Haram I think is eating them.

Score: +0

3. Emerald,

This question is a bit tricky to explain but I can try.
From my understanding pigs are haram to eat and handle. In islam we believe if its haram for you you shouldn’t do it for others since that will put you in sin too. Like you should avoid handling meat for that reason because it can tempt you one day to eat it and if you believe it’s not good for you, then you can’t do it for someone else. We believe that the pig is impure and has a lot of illnesses you can get from eating pork due to the fact that the pig has not really any digestion and eats anything. It is also historically humans who disobeyed Allah, (God) and as a punishment were turned into pigs. So to eat a pig is like eating another human for us. Knowing this, some muslims may be uncomfortable with the concept of a piggy bank or the names of games, characters that are based on pigs. But there’s really nothing wrong with the game itself because it’s a game of dices and nothing to do with pigs.

Regarding piggy banks, it gets complicated. To answer this, you must know that muslims can’t have statues. Depending on if you see a piggy bank as a statue it can be forbidden, especially if there are clear markings of the eyes on it. It is because having a statue that is realistic with eyes and all is imatating Allah’s creations to keep it simple. So we generally don’t have anything that is hard and in shape wit the eyes that looks close enough to a pig. But if the piggy bank was just the shape with no holes to indicate the eyes and it is painted in another colour that makes it not look like a real pig then I guess some Muslims will allow it. I hope this helps.

Score: +1

4. Quintin-Dziadkiewicz,

Yes, thank you for the explanation.

Score: +0

5. Armin,

Both is haram.

Score: +0

6. Aidin,

Bismillah. Hello. I'm just curious. Can you please tell me when and who was turned into a pig? I just want to gather information and that's it.

Score: +0

7. Emerald,

Aya: [al-Maa’idah 5:59-60] I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to post the whole verse here … you can inbox me if you want the whole link though. Hope this helps

Score: +0

8. wolfi,

lol its ok to have a piggy bank I had one as a kid. But eating any kind of pig meet or handling it is haram for us as was mentioned. It's amazing that you are learning about the religion and the cultures surrounding it, god bless. Feel free to pm any of us we'd love to help.

Score: +0

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