about the ninety-nine party

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1. Riad,

Hi all. So yesterday I was running the worst ever ninety-nine tournament. The problem was that I had too many running tables, and that we had a very big number of absences: imagine we had 13 out of 32 players who haven't played their games so we had to replace them all. I've learned a lot, and I mean a lot, from that tournament, and I've got quite a lot of advices from Imthechampraki, who has a really big and brilliant experience running very succesful tournaments from a very long time, thanks a lot bro for your really valuable advices, I'm still learning from my own mistakes :)
A really, really, really big thanks goes to Ynwa, Teardrop and Mayank for finding replacements for filling all the remaining places for me, really thanks guys.
The rest of the tournament will be continued on Sunday 16 August on 2 tables, at the same time, 18:00 GMT, 19:00 Egypt and some European countries and 20:00 in the Middle-East.
Please if you have any suggestion, comment or whatever on the tournament, feel free to do it since this will help me a lot the next time.
Sorry for all who I've not replyed to via PMs, sorry guys, I was getting like 7/8 PMs at the same time so if I haven't answered someone, you know why.

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2. Raki,

Your welcome, it was my pleasure dude.

Rest assured though, it wasn't the worced ever... I've seen worce.

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3. afrim,

actually, your tournament was far better than mine, my tournament went to hell in a few minutes. and I made up my mind not to hold tournaments anymore on this platform, neither anywhere else.
Yes, there were mistakes, but don't worry mate it's all fine.
Would it be possible in any way to post the matches of the next part of the tournament? it would be really appreciated :)

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4. wolfi,

same here, I had 7 absints

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5. fire-starter,

yeh, i've seen badder organised tournaments then this. Like the farkle tournament

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6. Epic_Krrish,

First of all rephrame saying that this was the worst tournament ever! by saying that you are already creating negative immage about the tournament. i also read that on your status while the tournament was going on, well its kind a discourages the participants. But i am still surprise because that topic 99 party was kind a famous topic many people did comment, any ways all the best who made it to the next round!

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7. Cristina ,

Hello! I am glad that you created this topic, cause I wondered how to tell you dear mr.Riad that unfortunately sunday I will not be here. i will leave for the holiday. I am very sorry, but when I have signed up, did not know that tournament will not run as all of us expected. It seems that you got very disappointed cause of it and maybe cause of this you changed the day of concluding. but it does not worth, everything was alright after those replacements and this is what matters. So, apologie again and wish you all, good luck!!! Regards, Cristina.

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8. Riad,

Hello guys. So this period I was, and still am, out of home so I'm using an alternative computer with an alternative connection (my 3g one). I can't guaranty that I make it before the time. The problem isn't in my presence or absence, the real problem is that I don't have access to the matchups from the other PC. The thing I'll be doing if not being able to come back is one of 2 things: either re-doing the matchups, or canceling/postpowning the second round. What do you think?

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9. YNWA,

I am not here to kick a man when he is down but I will tell anybody reading this post what you require to run a good tournament.

1. Before running a tournament try to gain some experience by helping out in a tournament even if it is a small part. If this is not possible then observe another tournament that someone else is running. Observe, pick faults and note good practises. If you can come up with ideas that will improve things then even better.

2. select a good reliable team you can trust who are capable of running the tournament if you are absent for any reason.

3. Meet with the people you have selected and make sure they are familiar with their rolls. While doing this you can make sure they have access to all relevant information relating to the tournament such as players/fixtures.

4. Make sure all the information relating to your tournament is written clearly and posted on the foram. In this includes all appropriate information such as date and times, rules, game duration and the number of players you are looking for. If unsure then have a dummy run to see how long a game will take and ask yourself is it reasonable for people to sit around waiting for the next game. also have an idea of how long your tournament will take to complete.

5. If you leave too long a gap between the notice of your tournament and the start more players are likely to withdraw as their circumstances can change quickly.

6. Apart from your notice in the foram let your friends know and ask them to spread the word as that is the best form of advertising. Be prepared to spend a lot of time in the Playroom informing people about your tournament. Remember if you know a lot of people that are in your tournament you will know
if they are serious or not when they sign up.

7. When posting up your fixtures remind people that if they need to withdraw for any reason to inform you as soon as possible so replacements can be found. If possible have a standby list so you have people to replace those who have withdrawn. Don't be surprised that even some on standby can still withdraw.

8. Even at the start of the competition a number of people Won't be able to make it and some may not be able to inform you in time. For example if a person has no internet ,so be prepared to find people then. Remember there is a lot of people in the playroom that can step in so ask around. Someone may know someone that may want to take part.

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Last edited by YNWA, Aug 16 2015 15:15:16

10. afrim,

let's finish it off tonight if you can Mr Riod. Try to redo the matches as similar as they was.
It would be a good idea to get done with it tonight.

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11. Raki,

If you can't make it at today's time then, make sure you take the time to let each of the second round players no when it will be at; simply posting on the forums wont work.
Make a definit time and make sure you adhere to it.

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12. LaraStardust,

while ynwa's points are valid, i wouldnt say this is a bad tornament, in fact i've quite enjoyed myself.
but yeah, what raki said

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13. afrim,

Raki's right

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14. YNWA,

I think it is safe to say the tournament is not going ahead. We know it has been a shambles and there is nothing really else to say. As I said if anyone creating a tournament follows those 8 steps they will have a more successful tournament. Yes you get problems but if all the helpers work together then those will be minimal.

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15. LaraStardust,

rsopersonally i think that is an inaccurate and unfair judgement

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16. Riad,

well I completely agree with Ynwa and Raki, I shouldn't be that brave in making such a tournament, the thing is really hard and I've realized I haven't carefully took the time to select the right helpers and do the right decisions. I think I should have been more clearer. I won't stay here to cry and to say "Ah my tournament sucks, I won't organize tournaments forever, etc". I'm really taking advice from you guys. I feel I'm not well prepared to do a big tournament: I had 2 previous tournaments that were way too organized, but that were organized between my friends, and therefore I thought making one on the forum is an easy task, and well it wasn't at all. I'm feeling now that that one should be canceled. Do you agree? Why or why not? I feel that I should make a better one when I have more experience with tournaments, but heh that was my first public one so just wandering about what I should do.

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17. afrim,

If you feel that you can't do it, or you can't go further, in this tournament, then let's stop it and whenever you feel it's the right time for you, hold another one.

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18. LaraStardust,

i'm all for going ahead and kicking butt

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19. Raki,

yeah, we can go ahead, post the list of 16, and we can all contact each other; fix a date and time and I think it should be fine.
Most of the people in the second round will be relyable I think to show up.

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20. Riad,

I think so, I'll be defining a date for the next round just after discussing with the organizing team.

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21. rauly ,

hey i need to know when will be the 2nd round? please

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22. Riad,

Due to some problems, first from the absence of many players because I took people I don't know in the tournament, and second because of people losing faith in my tournament and in the way it was organized and due to some other problems, I've recognized that this tournament was originally based on a bad root, so the decision was to cancel it and to do a better one next year (I think in January or February 2016). Now I've got a lot of experience to start another tournament, but please excuse me for what I've done in that one: From now on, I know who to choose, either organizers or players, but I've seen that a lot of people started losing faith in me, so I didn't want to lose some dear friends with whom I've enjoyed a lot at this platform. Excuse me a lot for that decision, but that was the only choice to be made. Thanks for all who played in the tournament, and thanks for all who helped me in organizing, recrooting players etc. Thanks Muhammad_hajjar, Imthechampraki, Jason, Ynwa, Dardar and Teardrop, thanks a lot guys, and thanks goes to everyone who reads this post, for giving me some of your time.

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Last edited by Riad, Aug 19 2015 10:15:14

23. aravis,

but of course it's inevitable that you would take people you don't know to participate in the tournament. if you organized a tournament only for your friends, then some people may think it could be some discrimination if you held a tournament for only the selected few.

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24. Riad,

well let they think so, that's something I've learned and will not repeet. Unless I personally talk with the concerned one in person, he/she won't be counted. Of course people in my friends list are considered an exception, because I know them in person and can discuss with them before the tournament time. And heh I'm not talking about a one coming soon, I think the upcoming one will be in 2016.

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25. MuhammadHajjar,

Man, you were a good organizer. The problem here is that there were a lot of absences, which made us a lot of confuses. I'm not complimenting you, I'm telling the truth. Better luck in later tournaments.

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