something happened to me

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1. wolfi,

hello all

brothers, sisters, playroom users and admins

I'm here to tell you about a strange problem

it happened with me many times

some of the people, who's above 18 and they think they begin to understand and they think now they're women or men.

they started to hate us whiches people under 18

and they start to say we're children and we don't understand

and that hurts our feelings for sure

and I would like to say for them

if you are really above 18 and you are really understand

you shouldn't hurt feelings of people who's under 18

plus I"m not gonna sa the names of the people who talked about me and the other friends whiches in the same age

but I don't want you guys to think I'm lying, I have the history reports

and I'll post it, only if the problem got bigger, or someone requested it for a good reason

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Last edited by wolfi, Aug 15 2015 12:03:34

2. LaraStardust,

Well, I can't say I've noticed this, I'm under 18 and have no problems at all.
Plus, to be frank, when you are under 18, you are still classified children, be you 2 or 17 you are still a child.
And over 18 you are a man, or a woman.
I'm not doubting there's some gravity behind this, but I'm sorry people, this seems just.. childish to me in the fact of the way its written its like a kid throwing his toys out the pram because one nasty bully has scared him

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3. wolfi,

Dear dardar,
I apologize for not having provided sufficient details about the incident that has triggered these strong feelings of injury within me and caused me to share my internal bruise with the forum. All the same, I would like this reputed and dignified individual who has behaved in such an inappropriate manner with me due to my inferior age be left unnamed at present.
I would like to emphasize on the fact that I can substantiate my groun to an extent that will compel everyone to have compassion for me by sharing the history reports which I have stored and captured securely away. If required at any point when my incident sounds a made-up one, do as me to share them.

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Last edited by wolfi, Aug 15 2015 12:58:55

4. LaraStardust,

Well It'd be nice to no what you're talking about heh for all we know it could be anything rom racial slers to them just calling you a poopy head

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5. wolfi,

I am sure everyone will notice the complete change in this message, and I am editing most, if not all of my responses. I was in an emotionally hurt state when a person with the dignity and honor with which I looked upon him, did all this.
I was blocked by a fellow Playroomer who is renowned and popular in the forum and tournament organisation department and otherwise as well. I requested a mutual friend to mediate and inquire the reason for blocking me to that blocker.

I was temporarily unblocked by that particular individual and he rendered me the chance to converse about the conflict and problem between us that had caused my blockage.
His reasons were:
Note: I am trying to quote him to the maximum extent possible.

  • As a rule, I do not play with children under 16. There are tough laws in our country and I do not play with children, not due to their immaturity, but, due to their age.
  • This has potential implications of exclusion of children from tournaments organised by him.
  • I disliked and consider you worthy of being banned for mention of maturd stuff including gays and lesbians on the forum publicly which involves touchy religious stuff and you are a waste of time to talk and play with.
  • You caused undesirable contraversial trouble between me and the mutual friend and we had to argue upon you. In other words, you are responsible for the weakening of my and the mutual friend's friendship.
  • I am profoundly offended by the lack of equal treatment and acceptance of discussion about topics slightly matured by younger ones.
    I bring this to the attention of the forum for your detailed consideration and hope some of you may display some compassion for my situation. The messages in question objected by that individual are at your free review as they have been posted publicly on the forum in another recent thread.
    I understand what age restrictions imply and the limits of maturity and experience I may have, but, does that absolutely prohibit me from talking about these issues, perhaps, out of curiosity and eagerness to learn and know more?

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Last edited by wolfi, Aug 15 2015 16:01:21

6. Lemonade,

Well if you're not detailed people will not know what you are talking about. You can choose not to be detailed, but why post then? you can send emails or message to admins.

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7. wolfi,

first of all there is no active admins those days

and I said if the problem gets bigger I"ll send the history

I mean I'll post it here.

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8. fire-starter,

what is this for topick?

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9. Epic_Krrish,

Well don't give chance to people to say anything that hurts you, In simple don't tell your age or stop acting like a child, I am sure no boday will do or say any thing to you.

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10. gaurasuryavanshi,

hey, the quiet feelings is right? that's called discrimination? and feelings, don't be afraid to post the histories here, or to mention the people names, they've talked to you such things and you shouldn't be afraid. I've experienced that a few times and a friend of mine. so you shouldn't be afraid, and this things should be stopped. we may be under 18, but that doesn't means we can't think like normal people, it doesn't means that we can't react like the other people and so on!

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11. LaraStardust,

that is not discrimination! discrimination is something completely different!

and well said one and only crish

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12. wolfi,

first of all at onenonly krrish, I don't give them the chance to talk about me, plus I don't act as a child, but if you don't understand something called feelings got hurted,

for example

your gf has went with other guy and left you

aren't your feelings will get hurted? aren't you'll do stuff that you can't control yourself about them?

same here.

I hope you got my point

and agree with shadia

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13. LaraStardust,

I'm sorry, but no

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14. gaurasuryavanshi,

well I don't know what to say, just people that are doing that should not be friends witthh you, me, or whoever. so don't pay attention on them

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15. wolfi,

first of all at dardar, what's no?

and at shadia

I already ignored them, and that's why they're all want to find something against me as you see in the forum right now...

I posted this topic for 2 reasons, and I'm honest for those who don't want to believe it, idc

first reason, just to let the people who's above 18 you guys use to be children just like us, and you guys use to do the same stuff as we do, and you guys use to make mistakes and childish just as we do, so that doesn't give you the chance to say we don't understand, because you use to be just like us..

reason number 2, I was hurted and I didn't know what to do, everyone knows the teenager age, and you all use to be in it, for you above 18 people, and those are my reasons. I'm ignoring everyone who talks about me.

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16. princess-mira ,

I am also under18, and I also do not have problems, I am not feeling shy to say my age. I dont love being seen from the people... So it's not a problem for me.

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17. wolfi,

good for you dil-se-dil, well it's a problem for me, and you know everyone has his own people, and has his own haters, and has his own opinion right?

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18. aravis,

i agree with some people here. there are no details of your conflict, and we can't just sit and speculate on what they might have been. if there are some history reports do send them to the admins, and they'll take a look at your case. if you don't seen admins logged in, it doesn't mean they don't do their duties. and if you, the quiet feelings, consider yourself just as adult as those above 18, you should realize that people are divided into certain groups according to gendor, age, marital and financial status, place of residence, occupation and so on. everyone of us used to be children and then we became teenagers, middle aged people and at last, very old people doubled up with rheumatism or such like, so what's so offensive about that? i'm 29 and am already saying it's time for me to retire. lol. every age group has its own life experience and points of view and feelings and worries and topics for conversation. did you really get offended at your parents when you asked them some question the answer to which was too complicated to explain to a child, and that's why your parents said: you're too little to understand? hardly any age group can understand certain things. no teenagers or young adults can understand what it feels like when every bone in the body of an elderly person hurts. i'd like to advise you to learn not to understand words so literally, like an adult. if someone says: ah, you wouldn't understand - it doesn't mean you're stupid, but that you don't have much life experience just yet.

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19. panchos ,

If you don't want people treating you like a child, well, simply stop acting like one. That is all.

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20. fire-starter,

yeh, indeed


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21. ileto,

hi all, i do not think the-quiet-feelings is acting as a child. he is absolutely right. all of you used to be kids. no one has the right to disrespect children just because he/she is over 18. there are people that are 20 but act like babies. we should respect each other and take a look over our behavior before talking about the others. it is important what our personality and maturity is like not the age or so on.
sorry if i offended anyone!
best regards!

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22. wolfi,

thanks ileto, that was just amazing :)

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23. gaurasuryavanshi,

ileto you are right

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24. Lemonade,

I'm sorry that you are getting such negative response, but I also hope you are not surprised by it. I stand by what I said, if the problem isn't serious enough to report it to admins with history report then there's also really no point posting a topic like this. Not because we don't want to read it, but because we can't really help you. And if you want to talk to the people who hurt your feelings you should talk with them alone, so that is also not really a reason for posting. Its not good that some people are belittling others, but I'm afraid there simply isn't enough info for us to say if the people who offended you were right or wrong.
Also I do believe the admins requested not to call names or send history reports to a forum where everyone can see, so its probably still better if you take it up with the admins directly. Yes they might not respond as quickly as you might like, but there is a Dutch saying: if you don't shoot, you always miss.

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25. LaraStardust,

Firstly block quote first of all at onenonly krrish, I don't give them the chance to talk about me, plus I don't act as a child, but if you don't understand something called feelings got hurted,

for example

your gf has went with other guy and left you

aren't your feelings will get hurted? aren't you'll do stuff that you can't control yourself about them?

same here.

I hope you got my point

and agree with shadia
block quote end

i am saying no in i dont agree in any of the retorical questions you ask in this post and nor do i agree with the block quot hope you agree block quot end

secondly i agree with panchos and have been thinking that, but not wanted to say it,
frankly, if you dont want to be treated like a child, then, grow up

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26. ileto,

as everyone has grown up, he also will. and if he is treated as a child it is not his fault. he explained why he posted this topic and i understand him. and some of the admins should read it here. and as i said he may be a child but this is not important. everyone should look at his own before talking about the others. and we can help him of course. by supporting him and reporting this problem to the admins we will stop that and we will help him. and the quiet feelings, no need to thank me. believe in yourself that you are right.
best regards!

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27. LaraStardust,

ah but it is, if he stopped acting like a child then people would stop treating him as one, its a matter of maturity

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28. wolfi,

hello all

I've been reading your messages but I didn't reply

I was busy finishing my tournament and stuff

I'm saying my words to everybody

excuse me if I was rude or I"ll be rude

for those who said I"m acting as I'm a child

they're killing me

you know why?

because they don't even know me, or they didn't even talked with me.

dear dardar, we don't know eachother, so how do you know I"m acting as a child, that if I was really doing it.

same to you krrish

and for the others, I'm not saying you guys are wrong,

you guys are absulotely right

but, as said ileto and shadia

if I ignore them they'll keep on doing it, and I posted it here just to have a debate

and the other 2 reasons I said them before

the debate to see if I'm wrong or right

and if the debate turned into argument, the history will be the judge

thanks all


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29. ileto,

the quiet feelings is absolutely right. and as you do not know him why do you talk like that? isn't that a matter of maturity too?

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30. Epic_Krrish,

No one is supporting here each other, all we are saying different people have different views so you will get views which is against you or with! FOre Instants, different people like to hang with different,. so some people prefer their age group and some may not, so you shouldn't be too much worrying about them and if you had some thing very bad happen then please send the reports to a admin directly and get it deal with rather then getting attentions...

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