
18 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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1. LaraStardust,

so, this is the tea room, so lets talk breakfast, because, people tend to have tea with breakfast.
Marmite, you either love it or hate it.
I personally love it.
So, what do you guys think

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2. Exink,

What is that? Haha also we should about speak about other great things here too!

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3. Jeff-Rutkowski,

Wikipedia has this to say on the subject of Marmite.
Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing. Other similar products include the Australian Vegemite, which is saltier in taste, the Swiss Cenovis and the German Vitam-R.
I haven't tried Marmite, but I have tried Vegemite, and I can't imagine having that on bread unless spread very thinly and complemented with lots of toppings like lettuce, cheese and tomatoes.

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4. Raki,

Weird things you brits eat...

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5. LaraStardust,

hey! i love marmite! goes nice in a sandwich

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6. Daredevil,

I'm from Australia and here's a tip about Vegemite, don't spread too much on bread otherwise it's too salty, but I must admit I haven't had Vegemite for a few years now.

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7. LaraStardust,

you should

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8. Raki,

ok, I'm from Canada and I have no clew what this mite is... explain?

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9. wolfi,

I'm from iraq, and our best famous iraqy food is the dolma

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10. Exink,

And how is it? Is it delicious? How is its taste?

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11. aravis,

i think it's like a large ball of minced meat wrapped in vine leaves and then cooked in some kind of sauce. in russia there's something similar, only instead of vine leaves cabbage is used.

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12. LaraStardust,

hmm, i like the sound of the russian version... tasty?

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13. The-white-dove,

Yes, it is very tasty actualy.

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14. LaraStardust,

hmm, anyone wanna come round mine and make it for me? rofllmao

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15. wolfi,

yes, he explained it right.

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16. LaraStardust,

i must admit it does sound really nice

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17. CathyAnne,

Hmm. Sound rather tasty and interesting. Anyone else like coffee, hot milk, or hot chocolate?

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18. LaraStardust,

ooooum! I lova me some hot chocolate! hot chocolate with looooads of cream and a few marsh mellows. mmmmmmmmmmmm

Score: +0

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