Match ups and format for the 6 takes tournament.

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1. Raki,

Hi folks

The 6takes tournament will be held on Saturday August 22 at 11 A.M. eastern and 4 PM GMT.

We would like to thank ShadowMew and la-senorita-universo for helping us with the draw.
16 players have entered into the tournament.

In the first round, these 16 players will be split into 4 groups of 4 players.
These 4 players will play one group game each and from each of the 4 group games the top 2 players will advance into the quarter finals.
The score limit will be set to 75 for the first round.
Here are the groups:

Group A

group b

group c

group d

The game will immediately be stopped after the second player has reached the score limit (75) and the 2 players remaining will go through to the second round.

The quarter finals, semi finals and finals will all be 1 on 1.
The top 8 players will be ranked on their scores they had when the first round group match was stopped.
Lowest score will be number 1, and the highest will be number 8.
1 VS 8, 2VS 7 and so on.
The semi final players will be ranked the same way.
The score limit will be 66 in the quarters, 70 in the semi’s and 75 in the finals.

We ask that you show up on time on Saturday because we will start all the 4 group matches at the same time in 4 different tables.
The quarter and semi finals will be done in 2 tables (Imthechampraki and mayank)
We ask that you try your best to play the fastest you can and to not waste time during the game.
We also ask that you do not chat during rounds because the players need to focus.

Feel free to contact either Imthechampraki or Mayank with any questions you guys might have.
Thank you guys so much, the best of luck and have fun!

Raki and Mayank

Score: +0

2. faraz,

waw, the matchups are finally their. be ready guys I am planning to attack very hardly!

Score: +0

3. aravis,

oh wow, what a group i'm in! the chosen ones! i'm already trembling! lol.

Score: +0

4. UnseenFyre,

Can't wait to be a part of this! See y'all there!

Score: +0

5. Epic_Krrish,

cool, well all the best to the participants, !

Score: +0

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