Thanks for this feature.

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1. CathyAnne,

Thank you very much for doing this. I love the inbox. Also, could we possibly put the pig game up here? I wish that you would run this server like RS does. Also, are there any other servers out there?

Score: +0

2. LaraStardust,

As stated in many topics this is not RS Games and aminiel,. our admin, does not wish it to be.
As for servers, there are several servers in different languages of the playroom, which can be found by pressing f10 and enter.

Score: +0

3. Aminiel,

As stated in many topics this is not RS Games and aminiel,. our admin, does not wish it to be.

I just say the following: if game or feature X is available on RSGames, for me, this isn't a sufficient reason alone to justify necessarily its presence on the playroom.

In clear, I provide games and features that seem interesting and useful to playroom users. I don't wish to provide games or features X only because the competitor has it.

Systematic copy is bad. RSGames effectively copied a few playroom games (most notably 1000 miles and rummy), but I'm not obliged to copy them in return.

For pig specificly, I already explained several times that, for me, it looks too much like an extremely simplified version of farkle. I don't see the point of having it when we have already farkle.

Concerning voice chat, I already explained several times that it's whether a very hard development for what it is worth, or I couldn't afford an existing solution. RSGames can afford it because they have ads. Nice for them ! But I'm doing an honnor point of avoiding ads as much as possible because they cause useless annoyements to everybody, additionally to other potential problems.

Score: +0

Last edited by Aminiel, Aug 27 2015 21:01:00

4. CathyAnne,

Aminuel, how do you spelol your name?
Also, why can't I see the spellings of people's names in their postings. I never said this was RS Games.

Score: +0

5. LaraStardust,

aminiel a,m,i,n,i,e,l. If you are an NVDA user then drop me a perm and I'll inbox you how to do it, if you got jaws... wello... no idea rofl

Score: +0

6. CathyAnne,

Wel, darther, I can do that. Also, explain to me how to get to the permanent messages menu.
I appreciate it.

Score: +0

7. LaraStardust,

you can access the perminant messages by pressing f9 followed by the enter key

Score: +0

8. CathyAnne,

Oh, I didn't realize it was that simple. See with the stress of my father's getting older and other distractions, things don't often occur to me the way they used to. Also, why can't we talk about anything we want in here? There is nop need to close top;ics. This is, the tea room after all.

Score: +0

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