fun games with little or no equipment

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Score: +5

1. sky360,

Hello guys, remember those silly, yet entertaining and intense games we used to play while we were younger? it could be a game of hangman, or truth or dare. do you have any unique and fun game you used to play with your friends, family, on a free table or in class? feel free to share these kind of games along with rules. the lesser the game is known, the better. lets have fun discovering more simple games and recounting those nostalgic times.
let me start with one:
ask a friend to pick a random number between 1 and 100 in his mind. tell them to double it, then, you pick a number (preferably even) and tell him to add that to the total doubled value.
then, ask him to divide the total by 2, and to subtract the random number that he had picked first. then surprise him by telling him the reminder, which will be half of what number you had given him to add.
your friend picks 45, after doubling, he gets 90.
then, you tell him to add 10 thus bringing the total to 100. now, when he divides the total by two, 50 remains, and when he removes the original number that he had picked (45) he is left with 5 which is exactly half of the number you had picked (10)

Score: +1

2. Emerald,

We played this game where someone would tap the wall and count to a certain number but when they turn around everyone must freeze. You couldn’t tell when that person would turn around so you had to try sneak to the wall and touch it but also remain still if they turn around. When they notice you they can try to make you laugh or so or if they see you move even a little bit you would have to move back 3 steps or so. Was kind of fun.

Score: +1

3. HeadphoneJack,

I was on the receiving end of a magic number trick like in the op, except the steps were much more convoluted and I think it used much weirder numbers. I can't remember any of the specifics though, and odds are everyone who has ever told one of those kinds of tricks has their own version, only differing in the exact constants used.

10 years ago me and a friend would play a dumb game. It was basically musical chairs, but the music would be a video on YouTube, and every time it would stop you'd have to stay in place, like in the video. I still do it these days when I'm listening to music, even if there's really nobody to compete against.

And there are of course the classics. I like to play card / domino games in real life whenever I get the chance, I physically only carry a little box with 54 cards but you can do all sorts of things with them, even make things up if you go that far. But then there are the things where you seriously don't need any equipment or even rule explaining to begin with. We had a classic "repeat this ever longer sequence" game, but it was about grandma's bag and what was inside it. One time I remember playing it I think we went as far as 7 items before we couldn't go on anymore. There was also the game of hot potato where the potato was a beeping phone, and I think our English teacher was screwed up enough to call it a bomb because of the beeps. But those are really the classics.

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4. medhansh,

me and my friends played passing the parsel and musical chares and trooth and dare

Score: +1

5. glad,

i played passing the parsel , 20 questions and truth and dair with my friends.

Score: +0

6. NoInternet,

Well, when we were at primary school, we are a quite sizable group of friends, so we have some fun games also.
First, we usually form a round, and a chosen person will stand at the center. The master of the game will count to 3, and when the counting stops, the round will move. The chosen will catch a person in the round at random, and the caught person has to swap with the chosen one, and then repet.
Second, we also played a game as the same as the battleship here. Each member will be given a number of ships, with their own numbers. for example, Person a will have the ship number 1 and number 8, person b is in charge of the ship number 2 and number 9 and so on. Each person caries 2 ships, and there isn't any ship has the same number. After the arrangement, each person will say "Shoot at" and the ship number, there are several rules: 1. They aren't allow to shoot their own remaining ships, do so will result in a disadvantage of having less ship than the other, 2: they cannot shoot at ships that already sunk, do so will make them lost their following turn. 3: Each person aren't allow to think over 3 seconds, if they didn't shoot after 3 seconds, turn lost! When all ships of a member got shot, they're out. The last member that has ship will win the game

Score: +1

7. glad,

we also played ware woolf. rules were similar to rs games one there was a sier, protecter, ware woolf rest were villagers. It was fun.

Score: +1

8. Negar,

Me and my sisters used to play quite a lot of such games before getting our first computer.
We had a pack of 5 or 7 small stones and There were sevral games that was done with those.
There was a game that a player would cover their eyes first, and throw a stone in front of them,
Then they had to try to throw an other stone next to the old one.
The goal was to throw a few stones next to each other as close as possible, without they touching each other.
If a stone fell on an other one there were no chance and the player had lost the game.
In the next level the speed and distance between player and the stones would increase.
Not sure if what's the name for it in English,
but we were calling it [Single and double stones] here.
The other game was a player would cover their eyes and had to recognise who are other players by touching their clothes, hair, palms, hands or face.
That often it turned to a mess at the end.
We also played that word game so much in the car,
that one would write one word and close the notebook,
Then others had to find out the letters and then make up the word.
An other game was a specified letter and a category,
and one had to say 4 words in that category in one go.
And of course popular entertaining ones who can hold their breath more,
tongue twisters and all that was fun times.
These games I believe have no age so I still enjoy to play them with anyone.

Score: +0

Last edited by Negar, May 15 2024 18:40:31

9. lucy_light,

Excuse me for bringing this topic into a more serious tone, but did you notice how times have changed?
It is easy for us to remember this kind of games, as we played them and we were happy with that, but what about kids born after 2010? Are they the same?
Well, fewer and fewer, if those even exist. It is a bit sad and strange to acknowledge that, while for us, inventing various ways of spending time was a normal thing, now parents have to consult specialists or search online for ideas. Tech is booming and imagination is barely stimulated in some cases, but this is life.
About my own ideas and experiences, onto the fun side now, indeed, cards were the best way to keep me and my fellows in a place, but that did not mean we were silent, no, not at all. I had a pretty active childhood, like if I count how much I ran after a ball, in a chasing game or for no apparent reason, I would be a marathon champion now. I was also a fan of basic word or imagination games. I even played something that kind of started it all when it comes to my love of poetry. We copied some radio show concepts where you had some words and you were supposed to make some lyrics as fast as possible. It was fun and creative. In school, we did almost everything, but those simple little games in which all you needed were your hands and a rhythm sequence with some words or a tricky rule at the end were in the top.
Best regards, and pray I won't become a horrible parent :)

Score: +0

10. Vojvoda,

We had a game called zuce. One person stands with his head to the wall with one hand covering his eyes and another arm goes underneath the one that's covering the eyes, with the palm raised to the players. Goal of the game is to hit the person on his palm and then he needs to guess who hit him, if he guesses correctly the person who hit is the next one to be hit, if not, it all repeats.
The fun part is that some of us used shoes to hit the person, but for example I take off my shoe, give it to Negaar, negaar hits the person with my shoe and immediately gives the shoe to me, so when the person turns he can see me with a bare foot and shoe in my hand, so he would assume I hit him, but of course he would be wrong. We also used tricks such as I hit the person but a girl from the crowd shouts "yeehaaa"! As if she did the hit. Fun times.

Score: +1

11. Sajad-Aliraqi,

@vojvoda made a very good suggestion I'd be willing to play. For that reason I bought a pare of new shoes after all

Score: +0

12. sound2,

Lol, interesting reading. When I was at school. It was truth or dair, which I never found the point of. Or something called telephone telephone, at least that was the Afrikaans name for it. I guess it was called Chinese whispers. In which a sentence or words would be whispered down the line, and the last person had to say what it was. It usually got lost in translation, which was funny in a weird kind of way. Then there was some game that involved some clapping on a rhythm. I always wanted to learn what happened there, but I was to shy to ask. Lol. Then the usuall pretend games in which you and your friend would pretend to be part of a castle or whatever it was. Otherwise I made up my own games in my imagination, lol.

Score: +0

13. medhansh,

I use to play atlas which is a very knowledgable game and can be added on the playroom itself

Score: -1

14. FMGold,

We use to play game called the hundred.

In that game, whoever reaches 100 number first, they are the winner.

we will take 1 to 8 as a random number as a fixed maximum in the game.

example, if we take maximum of 6,
the person starts the game will start between 1 to 6, and the counting go on till 100. one or the other person should make a trick to get him 100 at the end. who will get opportunity to sum between 6 and make 100 will be the winner!

hope it understood.

Score: -1

15. spaceship,

Is it like mine or treasure in ducks race

Score: +0

16. chameleon,

would you rather

Score: +0

17. Caoimhe,

We played Truth or Dare, the telephone game (that sound2 had already mentioned, but we called it Broken Telephone), some rithmic games, mafia, random word games, for example when one person would think of a word and the others would ask yes/no questions to guess it, or the game where you say a word that starts with the letter the previous word ended with; a kind of number game where we needed to count up to 15, but we didn't agree on who would go next. Whenever 2 or more people said the same number, we had to start over. We also played a game where a blind or blindfolded person had to catch others while they were running around, hide and seek, a game where someone would hide something and saythat it's getting warmer as someone got closer to it or colder, freezing etc, as they were getting further. Another game we played was a memory game where one person would say, "I'm going on vacation, and I bring [something] with me". The next person would have to repeat the phrase and add their own item and don't forget the previous ones. I could go on listing these forever.

Score: +0

Last edited by Caoimhe, May 23 2024 15:37:54

18. FMGold,

yes its like mine. but you should reach 100 first with the random number. then the win.

Score: +0

19. medhansh,

atlas is a game in which you have to tell the name of any country/city/state/province/island. but the place you are telling shall be any fixed place but shall not be any locality. we have three passes, and who loose there three passes, h/she lost.

Score: +0

20. glad,

we also played word chain in which we form chains of related words and remember it. so I say fruit someone says fruit, market so onn it goes onn .

Score: +0

21. medhansh,

we also played memory game in which a player will speak one word and we need to remember the word and speek both word. for example I speek apple then the opponent also have to speek apple and then speek next word.

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