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Score: +0

1. filibuster ,


This is your final reminder that The Twenty-Four Man Five Game Yahtzee Tournament is still being played on Monday, tomorrow, September 7, 2015 at the following times:
• 4:00 PM UTC
• 5:00 PM in London
• 6:00 PM in France
• 12:00 PM USA Eastern
• 9:00 AM USA Pacific

You say you don’t know the time for the tournament in your country? In-box me, and I’ll kindly let you know.

Registration will conclude either when I have twenty-four registered players or immediately before the beginning of the first two simultaneous games of the tournament, whichever one comes first. If you have already registered and arrive after the first two games have begun, out of fairness to those participants who demonstrate common courtesy to show up ontime, my helper, and to the organizer, (me), the game will not be restarted; thus, you will be automatically disqualified from the tournament, no exceptions. Additionally, I will be opening up a public free table entitled “Today’s Yahtzee Tournament” one hour before the first tournament’s games begin. No… You are not required to arrive at this table during this free hour. However, if I were you, I would show up to this public free table a few minutes before 4:00 PM UTC because I will be announcing the players for each Yahtzee table, and I’m sure that you don’t want to miss out on this announcement. Moreover, once the games start, both Yahtzee tables will be set to private, and you can ask me or my helper to invite whichever friends you’d like to act as spectators. I simply request that you tell your friends in a private message to make sure that they have their spectator mode enabled by pressing the f3 key, please, though reminders will be passed on throughout the day.

The following eighteen players have signed up, and I’d love to have at least six more to make it more fun, even though eighteen will suffice:
• Filibuster
• sopralto
• Dardar
• Cristina
• Rauly
• Muhammad_Hajjar
• guliwer
• teardrop
• aravis
• domatricedishirehorse
• Pinky
• Kensei
• Freespirit
• OneNOnlyKrrish
• Pista
• Vladciotescu
• raven2407

There will probably not be twenty-four participants present on the day of the tournament; as a result, I am posting two sets of rules, those for both an eighteen man five game tournament and a twenty-four man five game tournament.

Eighteen Man Five Game Yahtzee Tournament Rules:

  1. All eighteen players will be devided up in to two groups of nine and placed in to two separate tables;
  2. all players from each nine man table will compete against each other in a single game setting within their own table, and the six individuals with the highest score from each table will move on to game two;
  3. both six man tables will be united to form one twelve man table, all twelve players will compete against one another in a single game setting, and the six players with the highest score move on to game three;
  4. all six players will participate in a single game setting where they will play against one another, and the three players with the highest score will advance to game four;
  5. the two players with the highest score will advance to game five and;
  6. the player with the highest score wins the tournament.

Twenty-Four Man Five Game Yahtzee Tournament Rules:

  1. All twenty-four players will be devided up in to two groups of twelve and placed in to two separate tables;
  2. all players from each twelve man table will compete against each other in a single game setting within their own table, and the six individuals with the highest score from each table will move on to game two;
  3. both six man tables will be united to form one twelve man table, all twelve players will compete against one another in a single game setting, and the six players with the highest score move on to game three;
  4. all six players will participate in a single game setting where they will play against one another, and the three players with the highest score will advance to game four;
  5. the two players with the highest score will advance to game five and;
  6. the player with the highest score wins the tournament.

Even though I have posted both sets of rules, there is still a pretty good chance that not all of the people who said they would participate will show their faces on the day of the tournament. I have made contingency plans for this occurrence. Nevertheless, please, everyone, keep spreading the word about this tournament in order to make this thing as fun as possible for all. ‘The more the merrier’, and last minute stragglers will be allowed into the tournament, provided that the games haven’t yet begun.

Thanks! Now let’s make this an awesome and fun tournament!!!! Shall we????

Score: +0

Last edited by filibuster , Sep 6 2015 13:54:46

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