that's unfair in my opinion

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1. gaurasuryavanshi,

hello everyone, the topic that I am going to create now is not against anyone and anything, but have you noticed that, in uno the robots are always winning, or at least it's for me. I've noticed that when I start the game, they are playing the first time even if it's not their turn.They are making interceptions and so on, even if it's not their turn. I know it depends on the game options, but I thinnk that the robots are more faster than us, the players, or at least for me it is so... when I start the game, there is a card, that is visible on the table, and if I play such card or the same card as the visible, I'm making interception. ok, but the robot does it always before me, the robot plays its cards before me, so for me it's impossible to finish the rounds, therefore I'm always losing. of course in some cases, I'm having a success, finishing the round, but these cases are... not often... I don't want to criticize anyone, but just want your thoghts, have you experienced the same? and are you doing something to avoid this?

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Last edited by basket, Sep 16 2015 19:46:16

2. Exink,

First than all, you need to look faster to the top card in order to intercept it, and play another card else, so the bot couldn't make its next movement. And second, you need to practice, practice and practice; start with just a bot, and if with the time you notice that you are killing it faster, add one or two bots more to the party.

For example, in a standard game I am able to kill all the 9 bots, even with the buzers enabled. So it depends on you, in your speed and reflexes. Good luck, and have a nice game!

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3. out_and_about ,

First of all, be sure that your sintetizer, maby jaws or NVDA, is as fast as you can. Secondly, you should order yor cards by colours or numbers, with shif C or shift H. A therd suggestion is that you should stop your sintetizer as much as posible, and try to use V to know the colour and C to find out wich is the last card played. Finally, try to identify the special cards (skip, reverse, wile wile, wile draw four, wile busser or +2) with each particular sound.
Remember, these are tips, but not magic! That means that you won't become the best player in two or three days

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4. NovaLenada ,

You wanted the bots faster? there you have! :D :D actually I can win them in uno with a score of 500 - 0 because is that one the one that i always set, and is not hard. You need practice, that's all.

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5. Lemonade,

They're not faster at all to my knowledge, it takes 2 seconds for them to intercept normally. Unless you just played a bunch of cards at once, then they sometimes go faster.
Anyway you should play against some good players, you'll quickly realize how weak the bots actually are.

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6. out_and_about ,

In fact, a bot is slower than any human player. once you have enough practice, you will realize that bots are just machines, not persons. Anyway, uno is not only a question of speed, but also of strategie. I mean, bot's movements are practicaly eacy to infer. As saniel says, try first with one bot. And once you wan for the first time, try to win with less points as posible. And only when you think you are ready, you start to add more bots. Remember that the dificulty doesn't consist in the speed of the bots: In this term, the training may consist just in trying to intercept or take your turn, while there are more than one player in the game. That's why the more bots you put, the more dificult your task will be.

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7. CathyAnne,

Well, no. A human player who is new is as slow as those bots are.

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8. out_and_about ,

That's why i said "once you have enough practice..."

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9. basket,

As stated by prior posters, the speed of which you play your cards is largely impacted by the level of practising you've done, and also with the kind of connection you have. Often times, I see extremely good players turn Pedestrian on a mediocre to poor internet connection. Therefore, it is somewhat inaccurate to place such a large imphesis on practising alone.

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10. out_and_about ,

Sorry, but i was speaking about a normal situation. It doesn't mean that then you won't have your bad days because of problems with the internet conection. That's another story.

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11. Riad,

I never was defeated by a bot on Uno even when I was a beginner frrom a year or so. The most stupid bots ever are in Uno. I, myself, have a strategy with them: I know the time at which they intercept, so I play a card exactly at the same time. Therefore, I can give a single bot up to 15 or 18 penalty points without doing anything. Plus, consider playing a wild draw 4 even when you're bluffing, since the bot never accuses you unless he has 3 or less cards. And finally, boost your TTS's rate to maximum: I personally use Vocalizer Daniel at rate 100 in all my work without problems, even when I'm studying :D. And remember: it took me a whole year to become what I actually am in Uno, and if you ever need a help, you can PM me when you find me online, because I'm too busy these days with my studies and rarely enter.

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12. Exink,

Ah yes, although with Eloquence and I think with NVSpeech player the experience will be more pleasant, at least that's what I use and which I am more confortable.

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13. gaurasuryavanshi,

hi again! first of all, thanks for the replies. my screen reader talks as fast as it can lol. I know that in uno you must be very fast, bbut I think the problem is, when I am starting the game I should look the history to see what's the visible card on the table, because if I want for the screen reader to reads all these things it will takes a long time. because if I leave the screen reader to reads me the visible card, it first should pronounce that the game starts, it shouldpronounce the rules and so so... therefore I'm looking in to the history, but in the most cases it also is not helpful...

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14. out_and_about ,

Looking for the information in the history doesn't work. Use C to see the last card played and V to see the colour. At list try, not to allow your screen reader give unnecesary information.

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15. Exink,

Yes, and press CTRl Key to interrupt the speech, so you'll be able to move faster.

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16. gaurasuryavanshi,

oh ok.

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