Coffee cake and iced coffee anyone?

44 messages, 2 pages:  1 2 ↖ Go back to topic list

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1. CathyAnne,

I just ate a delicious coffee cake and iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts that I bought last night after relaxing.

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2. YNWA,

Not sure why you put this here? least you chose a Liverpool FC sponsor so not so bad I guess?

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3. basket,

I absolutely love Duncan doughnuts ice coffee for sure.

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4. LaraStardust,

er, where's mine?
cmon! where's mine! cmon! urhrhrhrhrhrhrhr!
and woo fer liverpool

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5. basket,

Well I'm sure you brits have some over there so you'll be alright :p.

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6. LaraStardust,

actually yayya, dares one down the seafront... hmmmmmmm

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7. dalimidvecimidvenedali,

No sweets, please bring alcohol... :D And what about LFC? :D

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8. YNWA,


"crhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhums?" said bhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhilly bhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhunterrhrhrhrhrhrh?

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Last edited by YNWA, Sep 18 2015 17:36:51

9. LaraStardust,

donhnhnhnhnhnhnhn't thrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrowhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhw anhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhny cakes at mmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhme espspspspspspspspspspecialhlhlhlhlhlhlhlhly ifhfhfhfhfhfhfhf they werhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhre mmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmade by hagrgrgrgrgrggrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrid

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10. CathyAnne,

That should have said coffee cake. Also, I just like having fun here. After all, this is the tea room, you know.

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11. YNWA,

i'll have a slice of Dundee cake. Haven't had for a long time!

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12. Lemonade,

You guys are discussing coffee in the tea room? shame on you! Its tea all the way in this room, get it right! :P
On a more serious note the excessive use of screen reader noises is getting old. Can we please at least limit them to tables and not the forums as well? It was definitely not necessary this time.

Score: +0

Last edited by Lemonade, Sep 19 2015 19:53:55

13. fire-starter,


Score: +0

14. Exink,

Hahah and it sounds very different in the spanish Eloquence :P. Yes, maybe it should be fine to keep it just in the chat messages, not in the forum also.

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15. LaraStardust,

with respect you guys, just press down arrow, its called fun

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16. Exink,

Sorry, we are reading this using the Windows client P.

Score: +0

17. YNWA,

if you excuse my pun you can't cater for everybody! Sadly some are being a bit of a killjoy after all it is a bit of fhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhun? there are some Danish paisteries, Swiss rolls, French fancies, Jamaican gingercake and many more so help yourself!

Score: +0

18. Exink,

We aren't complaining about you are making spam, just please don't do so here; it's fine for the people who allow it and for those who don't feel disgusted, but let's keep clean and public the forum.

Score: +0

19. LaraStardust,

whwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwat on earthrthrthrthrthrthrthrthrth is that last poststststststststststststststst about?
and totally agrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgree ynhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhhnhnhnhnhnhnwa peeps just need to chchchchchchchchchilhlhlhlhlhlhlhlhlhl

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20. Lemonade,

heh. its like saying yeah, everyone can just be drunk on the streets, just go to the next street if it bothers you. it doesn't work like that.

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21. LaraStardust,

that is a totally different situation. Plus, we've gone a bit off topic here
I might be getting ice cream today

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22. YNWA,

Since when have you become one of the helpers?

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23. Lemonade,

Since when are only helpers allowed to make requests?

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24. LaraStardust,

since never, roflroflrofl.
whwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwhy whwhwhwhwhwhwhwoulhlhlhlhlhlhlhld you acuze mhmhmhmhmhmhmhme of treasonhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhn

and i got nhnhnhnhnhnhnhnhno iceccrcrcrcrcrcrcrcream today, not good snifhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhhfhfhfhfhfhfh

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25. CathyAnne,

Well, who wants iced tea or hot tea? Well, who also drinks milk in their tea?

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26. LaraStardust,

you know, I've never had ice tea. And yeah milk in tea is good

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27. CathyAnne,

I'm happy to share it with you.
Also, I'm glad that we can talk like this. We should be friends, Darder.

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28. LaraStardust,

heheheh I believe your on my friends list, cathy

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29. Lemonade,

Tea is good but hot chocolate beats everything else. So there!

Score: +0

30. LaraStardust,

i agree

Score: +0

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