for people who are learning other language

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1. orion6 ,

HI, I'm from colombia and am learning english and am seeking people who either are learning english and want to practice with me or people who speak english and want to learn spanish to help us each other if you want add me on your skype, mine is

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2. albaghdadi ,

I can speak Arabic of course. Because it's my mother language. I can speak English also, a little bit Persian and a little bit Italian and Spanish. I wanna learn the Spanish and Turkey better thing. I have a little informations and the phrases in Persian and Spanish. I wanna someone help me Spanish. And, I'm from this reply. I wanna say thanks thanks thanks thanks so much Diana for help me Spanish. It's a best friend, it's nice friend. She love to help me and help herfriends. And I have you on the Skype. Greetings.

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3. CathyAnne,

Well, I have no clue how to speak Aribick at all.

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4. gaurasuryavanshi,

my native language is bulgarian. c currently, I'm learning english in school and a little bit at home. I want to learn arabic, spanish and hindi. and my skype is lady_lady_7 if you want to add me.

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5. albaghdadi ,

If someone need a help. I'm ready for learn you Arabic. Petra I have you of course. Mine is asasr222

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6. gaurasuryavanshi,

oh yes I know.we have each other smiles

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7. CathyAnne,

I tried studying Japanieze, if that helps anyting. Although, I didn't quite finish.

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8. dementress ,

Hi, I am Diana for who didn't know my account change. :D
Well, I speak spanish, that's my main language. I am trying to learn english, just started to study a few weeks ago although I think I am learning a bit on here, I would like to learn as much languages as possible, I am really interested in them.
Specially I would like to learn czech, since some of my best friends on here speak this language, and i would like to have a better comunication with them :)
And, there is not language that i don't wanna learn, I am interested in all of them. And, Albaghdadi, you haven't to thank me, I will help ya with spanish as much as possible, and whoever who would like to learn or to know some frases on this lang, be sure that I will be here to help ya any time, since i like to help my friends and all the people actually :)
My skype id is dianarl02 , I'll gladly accept whoever wants to add me :)

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9. revan ,

I'll try my best too

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Last edited by revan , Oct 8 2015 21:06:33

10. rashedjr,

hi, i'm rashed from bangladesh. i like to learn english well.
i'm looking for more resource persons or volunteers who can help me learn english.
my skype name is rashed.rahaman1

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11. fc-golden-rocker,

hello all! i also find learning languages so inportant, cause as naday has said: by languages we can communicate so much better with others and be extroverated ... i speek arabic as a native language, french very well and english , a little bit spanish. recently, i started learning macedonian by the help of 2 of my very dear friends here in the playroom, greeting to them... and welcome to anyone with french if he likes.... stay well

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12. out_and_about ,

Hi all,
This is specially for spanish speakers:

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13. the-brown-horse,

Hey there! I'm a native hungarian speaker, and i learn english in school. If anyone wants, then i can help a little to learn hungarian, and if anyone is interested in that language, then everyone can search me by send a message to inbox or by send private message. Best regards!

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14. fc-golden-rocker,

hi! thank you so much the brown horse for your determination to help ... i want to learn belgarian as well cause here in my country, it's one of the languages that we don't have so much chanses to learn. so, i will search for you in order to help me if it's makeful. best regards

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15. the-brown-horse,

Okay! You can search me whenever you wish, and i never taught hungarian so it won't be so easy...

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16. Exink,

I would like to learn french; well, not so much as I'd want to learn italian, but I guess it could be useful as well. My pronunciation isn't too far from a native french speaker, but my grammar isn't the best of the world. As I have mentioned, my native language is spanish, if you want some help about a specific thing for that side. Regards.

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17. fc-golden-rocker,

spanish, yeah it's really a super great language and i have a desire to improve it since i stopt learning it 5 years ago. and welcome with french ...

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18. Paddy_Irishman,

great to see all the international crew with the interest, but am i the only native english speaker left? :D

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19. Exink,

Don't know... Did you try asking to KathyAne if she's a native speaker? But ironically that's the reality here, there are less native speaker people than those who are.

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20. Lady_Shakespeare7 ,

hey Edwin, I am a native English speaker in search of a Spanish tudor myself. I'll definitely add you to my skype and hopefully we can arrange for helping each other out where English and Spanish are concerned. P.S. arial15, while you are quite the dictionary, I need to get a good command of the spoken tongue lol. So hope you don't mind being substituted :P

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21. YNWA,

It depends how you define "native speaker" This is the English language platform and that is for all the Variations of English that are available. For here that Is countries from the British Isles, USA, Canada, South Africa, not met a player from Zimbabwe, The Caribbean Australia and New Zealand. That is the same for the French, German, Italian, Spanish And Portuguese versions of the platform. The French version would have Swiss players such as Aminiel himself and other French speaking countries such as Cameroon just to pick one out.

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22. Cristina ,

Just who is british can call himself "native english speaker"

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23. YNWA,

It depends how you would define a native speaker. Do you say only an English person can be a native speaker of English? If so then that would rule out the Irish, Scots and Welsh. You could go further than that and say only true English is the Queen's English or even BBC English where there is no accent. Even in England we have regional veriations of English. As it happens I don't have a very strong Black Country accent witch is my local dialect as I have grown up in Schools and Colleges where people have spoken with different accents from around the UK. Even listening to people speak English with different accents such Eastern Europe or South American can be interesting. You can argue that some foreign speakers of English can be much clearer and easier to understand than some British accents!

I believe that People that have spoken English all their lives can be counted as a native speaker. You can't say an American isn't a native speaker as they in most circumstances have English as their only language. We have differences with some words and phrases of course. It also applies in spellingtoo. One example as it was once pointed out to me is colour as we write it. The Americans write it color as they miss out the letter U. I don't think those slight variations means that Americans don't qualify as a native speaker!

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24. LaraStardust,

going slightly off topic for a sec, but still in the topic of languages, as you are all wanting to learn english, I'd like to clear something up.
the term "greetings" means hello, hi, etc. not goodbye, bye, thanks for reading, or anything like that.
I've noticed a lot of people on here putting greetings at the end of messages like this:
hope you can all help

This would sound like:
hope you can all help,

kinda... makes no sense.
anyway, that's my 2 pense worth

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25. fc-golden-rocker,

so long! thank you so much for your clarification dardar; it was really important to me cause although i know the exact meaning of the word greeting, i have may made this mistake once or so and i didnt pay attention to it... best regards

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26. Exink,

Then could you say that the term "best regards" is more apropiate for such cases?

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27. LaraStardust,

yeah, best regards, kind regards or even regards would be fine in the context of ending a message, forum post, or anything like that

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28. CaptainCold,

hi all.
i've always wanted to learn spanish.
can somebody help?
except my mothertongue which is persian, i just can say a few words in english. :)

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