uno league!

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1. Epic_Krrish,

Ladies and gentleman! boys and girls! Yes finally it’s here. The playroom’s Uno league, yes I repeat, QPR Uno league. It took a bit of time to get all the logistics figured out that resulted in a slight delay. Nevertheless, all has been sorted out and we are set to kick off 1 of its kind Uno league! There is little doubt that Uno is one of the most popular games in this platform so we decided to run an Uno league…
My organizing committee has come up with a standard time at which we will be running the matches, and mostly it will be run during the weekends so we have planned to begin by mid-November or end of November the moment we get our 45 players. The time zone will be as follows: 6:00am western, 8:00am central, 9:00am eastern, 2:00pm UK 3:00pm Egypt, Albania and some other countries, 4:00pm turkey and Middle East and some European countries, 6:30pm in India.
Rules: the rules will be no doubt the same as any uno tournament with: 2 and 4 responses, straights, interceptions and super interceptions and of course bluffs… with score limit fixed to 350 points.
Format of the league, the format will be as follows, we will have 3 conferences and each conference will consists 15 players, and each 15 players in each conference will play against each other to determine to the top 4, who will then move to next round of super 12! Note super 12 won’t be organized just after we have finished the first round, we will have a break. So simply, to make that top 4 you need to win matches and each win will give you 1 point.

  1. it’s a league so it will take a period of time to finish all the matches…
  2. It’s open to any one as long as he or she knows or is familiar with the rules.
  3. Lastly this requires a commitment from the participants to turn up and play their matches.
  4. So! If you think you are ready for this challenge then, book, your, place now! You can either reply to this post or contact me, basket or the raven in the play room, they are on my organizing committee.
    Regards from One and only MagicalKrrishh graphic smiles…

Score: +0

Last edited by Epic_Krrish, Oct 13 2015 03:56:34

2. dementress ,

This time, I won't take place there. Anyways, my best wishes, and good luck to each one of the participants. I hope it'd be as enjoyable as it is always :)

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3. babyactress,

haiii? yes count me in!

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4. Exink,

Hello man! Please could you tell me what time is it going to take place in Mexico? Maybe i'll be able to participate.

Edit: it seems I'm gona be able to be here due to the time it's going to be hosted. So thanks!

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Last edited by Exink, Oct 13 2015 07:40:02

5. basket,

There are some sites where you can compare timezones which will tell you for example what time it is where ever you are and you can compare different timezones there. Given that Mexico is a vast country with more than one timezone, we have no idea what so ever what time it is there since we don't know where in Mexico you're in.

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6. Exink,

Ah don't worry man, I have edited my post at the end, and I have found out that the time will be switable for me. Thanks anyway, and so I end with this post puting my participation, too! Regards.

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7. JScholes,

Myself and Eirin are in. Thanks.

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8. majoz,

Hi my dear unners, I'd like to sign up as well. We will see how i will be able to get up there on matches time. Anyways, count with me.

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9. LaraStardust,

well, while I'll not be in I had to say this, QPR? queens park rangers? iwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! iwww iww iwww! sorry lmao couldnt resist
good luck to y'all who are playing

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10. basket,

Lmao Nathan the thought also crossed my mind.

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11. Epic_Krrish,

well QPR definitely stands for QuentinC's play room,, and thank-you for signing up people, I have noted your names all ready and there are players like Estrellavega, Randomrob and fawaz who did message to me and sign up.. thanx again. and keep on rolling your names in.


Score: +0

Last edited by Epic_Krrish, Oct 14 2015 01:45:48

12. Animagus,

i'm in. Hopefully i can make it this time. lol

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13. dalibor,

count me please

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14. Lemonade,

I'm in! Yay!

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15. BhavyaShah ,

Count me in too!

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16. Epic_Krrish,

yes I m definitely counting you people in.... So now I have 18 players already, please pass this news to your friends who are uno lovers so we can get our 45 players as quickly as possible...

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17. fire-starter,

count me in please

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18. Riad,

well I'm not sure if I'm gonna make it this time, I would only if I don't have matches on Saturday, in which I'm generally off for all the day, so I don't know yet.

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19. policeman1,

Put me in
lil fish since I will be winning this tourney!.

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20. MuhammadHajjar,

Good luck in this tortor. I don't think I'll join, maybe, this depends on my connection's stibility.

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21. Cristina ,

Hi! All of you know that I am not a excellent uno player, but I'd like to take part in, if my matches should not be played saturday morning and afternoon for me, romanian time and of course if you don't mind that I am not so fast player as well. Thanks! smile

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22. fire-starter,

hey all, witch date is the league going to begin?

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23. Jeff-Rutkowski,

Count me in also.

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24. Epic_Krrish,

hey guys we have 32 players already, so we are trying to get our 45 players before we can post our format and structures of the league. just keep reading the forums and please don't forget to pass this message about uno league to your friends so that we are able to have housefull soon!
regards Krrish

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25. uno-gamer,

hi friend cont me please. thank you.

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26. trol ,

Hi, count me in please

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27. Epic_Krrish,

Now we have 40 just keep on spreading this news around hope to get 5 more soon.

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28. basket,

Hello Everyone,
to provide more information on the up coming league:
The league will break for Christmas and new years. The break will begin on the 24th of December, and will end on the first with matches resuming that day.

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29. skyreal,

i wish to join the uno league.

Score: +0

30. diggle,

definitely count me in. I may be unavailable for all the games due to life and school and similar ods and ends, but I will try my best to join up.

Score: +0

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