
6 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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1. LaraStardust,

evening all
I myself fancy myself as a little bit of a poet.
So I found myself wondering, who else does.
Hae a poem? be it love, humour, anger or hiku, post it here!
I'll post one tomorrow, as its not done yet.
always awesome

Score: +0

2. Exink,

Maybe I'd post some of them, but unfortunately I am so bad making poems or rhimes in english. So good luck for all the future posters and let's see a bit of their work in action!

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3. Epic_Krrish,

well, i see no one was interested in poems? Poems are expressions of feelings so, I got something...

It is a special world surrounding you and me,
It is a world baby, that only you and I can see.
In this world there is only love and no hate,
It is only us absolutely loving every bit of our fate.
It is you and me sitting together and caring for each other,
It is you and me promising that we will always be together.
Our love goes beyond all barriers of communication,
It is beyond anybody else's contemplation.
Because you understand me and I understand you,
And how much we love each other nobody else has a clue.

Lol don't mind if this is too lovy Daaby jaaaja :P

Score: +0

Last edited by Epic_Krrish, Nov 17 2015 10:08:22

4. MuhammadHajjar,

Good luck, what the ... oh, sorry but just tried to make a poem lol.

Score: +0

5. Exink,

Hahah I have some poems, but I don't know how to put them in english to make them to rhyme or so.

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6. evalinde,

I make poems sometimes

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