TTS talking

8 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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1. Giovani ,

I have one question. Can You send some conversations, between Text to speech. It doesn't matter, what language It is. It can be for example English, Spanish, German ETC. I would like to colect those things.
Thanks so much.

Score: +0

2. basket,

For that, you'll need dictation software unless you have a mac which would be built in.

Score: +0

3. Giovani ,

I need only some recordings from another people, not create recordings of TTS voices conversations.
I heard, that something was created in Spanish and German too and also, there is something in English, like fight between Espeak and Eloquence.
Something, like this.

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4. MuhammadHajjar,

Oh, there's a lot in Arabic, some of them are movies up to half an hour or more. If you want, I can give you some.

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5. out_and_about ,

There are programs like Balabolca or despeech. I have the second one but i don't know how to use it.

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6. LaraStardust,

yeah I have the first and second, though cant figure out dspeach

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7. Riad,

I once knew how to use Balabolka to change between voices, but I lost interest in it 2 years ago so I'm not using it right now. I don't remember using the second software. But anyway, I know the scrypts used to make Dectalk and Eloquence sing, and can make audio reviews if anyone is interested in learning them.

Score: +0

8. MuhammadHajjar,

One of balabolca's disadvantages is that it doesn't support stereo, as well as the length of the process of creating a tts drama using it. Yup I know you can make it support stereo, but I personally prefer the loopback feature in creating a tts drama.

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