Uno league 2015/2016, final conferences.

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Score: +0

1. basket,

Hello Everyone,
I am pleased to announce the conferences for this inaugural uno league! the following are the conferences for the league. Just a reminder, each league has 15 players, with 14 matches per day. Which means, every single person in that conference will play twice on the day. Due to the fact that we have uneven numbers, 1 person will have a by. They are more than welcome to watch, or a by can be discussed earlier in the event they have other plans for the day of their matches. With out further a do, the conferences!
Conference 1

  1. MagicalKrrish
  2. Arial15
  3. Majoz
  4. Animagus
  5. H-M-C-Z
  6. Keywasfull
  7. EveryOne
  8. SkyReal
  9. Policeman1
  10. can96
  11. Egle
  12. Francezu25
  13. captain-Nemo
  14. Purplerain
  15. Midomido
  16. Conference 2
  1. The-Raven
  2. Randomrob
  3. BabyActress
  4. Dhool95
  5. Mogosog
  6. Denizbaykal
  7. Jaggu.hal
  8. Estrellavega
  9. IMTheChampRaki
  10. Kensei
  11. Uno-Gamer
  12. Peka-San
  13. claudiu
  14. Jeff-Rutkowski:
  15. StarringLikeUnited

Conference 3

  1. Basket
  2. Fawaz
  3. Jscholes
  4. Eirin
  5. Dalibor
  6. Guliwer
  7. Clarice-Starling
  8. JasonGraceTheDutchAce
  9. Ilhan
  10. Cristina
  11. Flavyanu
  12. Filibuster
  13. Cristi85
  14. Sparten
  15. BrailKid.
  16. A quick reminder that the matches will commence on Friday, November 27th with conference 1, Saturday , November 28 for conference 2, and finally, Sunday November 29th with conference 3.
    Please note that this format with conference 1 being on Friday, 2 on Saturday, and 3 on Sunday will remain consistent each week. The matches will be posted a week in advance. If you cannot make it to your match, send a perminant message, or private message to either myself, The-Raven or MagicalKrish and we will accommodate you. Also, feel free to contact us if you any additional questions or concerns.
    And finally, I'd like to send a huge thanks and shoutout To BabyActress, and Policeman1 for helping us select players for the conferences!

Score: +0

Last edited by basket, Nov 7 2015 15:33:21

2. Lemonade,

Any idea yet of how the scoring is going to be calculated? do you just get a point per match you win and if there's a tie, what will be important, the total number of points or the match you played against the person you tied with?

Score: +0

3. Cristina ,

No, no, no, smile! Why did I fall in that hard conference where are a lot of uno killers? Lol, kidding, I will enjoy a lot all those games what I will have to play...
Good luck to all of you and thanks to the organizers for this great idea of having an uno league here.
it will be a lot of fun...
Regardles, Cristina

Score: +0

Last edited by Cristina , Nov 7 2015 17:16:53

4. basket,

The scoring will be as follows:
A point will be awarded per win. If there is a tie, the two players will play a 1 on 1 to break the tie. If the tie is with more than two players, there will be a group game to decide.

Score: +0

5. fire-starter,

good job

Score: +0

6. Epic_Krrish,

Hello all, as basket has mentioned if any questions please feel free to contact any of the organising team, good luck to all the participants and hope to see you all there.

Regards Krrish

Score: +0

7. Exink,

Certainly if we compare the conference where Cristina and me are, mine is not as stronger as hers; haha I'm kidding too. Best of luck for all the uno players and let's make a great game! Regards.

Score: +0

8. filibuster ,

I'm so sorry, but you all need to find someone to replace me in conference three as I am working each Sunday at 9:00 AM USA Eastern time. My days off are Tuesday and Wednesday every week. I'm not so sure it's neither fair nor feasible to expect the other fourteen players in my conference to accomidate one player.

Score: +0

9. Exink,

hey men, also I alert you that if I'm in the first conference, I won't be able to participate in any of the matches because I have school, and there's no Internet acces; I'm so sorry for those idiots.

So, I will be glad if you can reacomodate me for the two or three group, then I guarantee more availability to play, otherwise if you can't do it, definitely take me out. Thanks for your understanding. Regards.

Score: +0

10. out_and_about ,

@ Arial15,
If you ask to be taken out, the other players in conference 1 should do it. Remember that most of you are in the north, so that they are having classes in this term of the year!

Score: +0

Last edited by out_and_about , Nov 8 2015 04:21:55

11. basket,

Arial, we will look into it thanks.
Would you be available for Saturday and Sunday?
filibuster, We can accomidate you for your matches provided we can get your opponent to agree to play on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.

Score: +0

12. basket,

Hello all,
In all the excitement, I had neglected to provide the times for the matches.
On Fridays, the matches for conference 1 will begin at 12 PM eastern (US and Canada), and 9 AM on both Saturdays and Sundays.

Score: +0

Last edited by basket, Nov 8 2015 16:15:59

13. Exink,

Would you be available for Saturday and Sunday?

Yes, I would. More precisely, I could play before 6.00PM french time the Saturdays, and a little bit latter the Sundays, if you can change something for this.

Score: +0

14. majoz,

I m beginning to be quite lost in it, i don't know if i will be able to play on friday. Could you move me? Thanks.

Score: +0

15. basket,

Okay, I need to know members of conference 1 who are not able to play on Fridays so they can be moved.

Score: +0

16. Epic_Krrish,

Hello, before we released the names I didn consulted with alot of people specially who didn't played any tournament before, and you did agree to play. Because of students we moved the time for fridays 12 pm eastern so that students can be back by then. so please try to confirm the time in your country first then decide for yourself.
a reminder again that we will have breaks in cristmas many people questioned me about them busy during cristmas, so don't worry we will take a break.
Regards Krrish

Score: +0

17. filibuster ,

“filibuster, We can accomidate you for your matches provided we can get your opponent to agree to play on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.”

Or, if it turns out that my opponents are willing to play after I get home from work each sunday, which is around 7 PM USA Eastern, that would work, too.

Score: +0

Last edited by filibuster , Nov 9 2015 04:21:40

18. basket,

Hello all,
Due to conflicting schedules, some players have been relocated to different conferences. The players are as follows:
Arial15 has been moved from conference 1 to conference 2, Babyactress has been moved from conference 2 to conference 1, Majoz has been moved from conference 3, and adventure time has replaced filibuster, and will play in conference 1. So the updated conferences are as follows.

Conference 1:


Conference 2:


Conference 3:


Score: +0

Last edited by basket, Nov 9 2015 04:43:06

19. skyreal,

i'd like to be switched over to sunday? i have work on friday and i don't wanna play at lunch time if i don't have to (wifi sucks) and saturday i have classes. thanks

Score: +0

20. the-raven ,

no problem, we'll figure that out

Score: +0

21. skyreal,

hey so am i slated for this sunday? just remembered i said i couldn't make it today or tmr

Score: +0

22. Epic_Krrish,

Hey skyReal we have figured something out, we just waiting on if there are any more queeries before the updated conferences get posted. Just keep on reading forums. We will accomodate changes till coming Sunday, and a reminder the league will commence with conference 1 on Friday the 27th November and continue with conference 2 on Saturday the 28th and conference 3 on sunday the 29th!

Score: +0

Last edited by Epic_Krrish, Nov 13 2015 23:29:26

23. basket,

As krish stated, conferences including schedules will be finalized by Sunday. We suggest that you speak up now if you cannot make it for your prescribed day of matches.
Thank you.

Score: +0

24. basket,

Hello All,
The final conferences have been made with the following changes:
Do to poor behavior, uno-gamer has been dropped from the league. He has been replaced by Ashraf.
Fawaz has been moved from conference 3 to conference two, and sky real has been moved to conference 3. The conferences are as follows:
Conference 1:

  1. MagicalKrrish,
  2. Babyactress,
  3. Adventure-time,
  4. Animagus,
  5. H-M-C-Z,
  6. Keywasfull,
  7. EveryOne,
  8. Ashraff,
  9. Policeman1,
  10. can96,
  11. Egle,
  12. Francezu25,
  13. captain-Nemo,
  14. Purplerain,
  15. Midomido,

Conference 2:

  1. The-Raven,
  2. Randomrob,
  3. Arial15,
  4. Dhool95,
  5. Mogosog,
  6. Denizbaykal,
  7. Jaggu.hal,
  8. Estrellavega,
  9. IMTheChampRaki,
  10. Kensei,
  11. Fawaz,
  12. Peka-San,
  13. claudiu,
  14. Jeff-Rutkowski,
  15. StarringLikeUnited.

Conference 3:

  1. Basket,
  2. SkyReal,
  3. Jscholes,
  4. Eirin,
  5. Dalibor,
  6. Guliwer,
  7. Clarice-Starling,
  8. JasonGraceTheDutchAce,
  9. Ilhan,
  10. Cristina,
  11. Flavyanu,
  12. Majoz,
  13. Cristi85,
  14. Sparten,
  15. BrailKid.

Score: +0

Last edited by basket, Nov 18 2015 04:48:39

25. Raki,

Hey, good job with organising this league.
One small thing though; You state Fawaz has moved to confrince 2 but he is listed in confrince 1.
Thanks and keep up the good work.

Score: +0

26. Lemonade,

You might also wish to edit the first post so that all the lazy people get the right conferences too... LOL

Score: +0

27. Epic_Krrish,

hello all, the conferences has been updated, and one basket has posted is the final and confirmed conferences. Now it is like a week away from the one of it's kind league which will be first on this plat form, therefore, I know everybody will be excited. Now most of the logistics are done just final touches before the matches will be realease. Just keep on reading forums and keep on reminding your fellow friends about the date.

Score: +0

28. the-raven ,

hello everybody. In each conference, the matches will be played at 2 tables. When your matches get posted, you'll be told when the different matches are going to be played, and whether it's at table one or two.

Score: +0

29. trouble-h ,

if someone won't complete replace him with me

Score: +0

30. musiclover,

iam not mentioned

Score: +0

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