Matches for week 1 conference 3, Sunday November 29th at 9 AM eastern (US and Canada) and 2 PM GMT

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1. basket,

Greetings all,
Here are the matches for week one for conference three.

Table one will be hosted by The-Raven and I will include:
Basket V Skyreel,
Skyreal v Jscholes,
Basket v Iren,
Jscholes v Dalibor,
Iren v Guliwer,
Clarice-Starling, v Dalibor,
and finally, Clarice-Starling, v Guliwer.
Table two which will be hosted by Magicalkrish
JasonGraceTheDutchAce v Christina,
BrailleKid v Sparten,
Cristi85 v Flavyanu,
Flavyanu v BrailleKid,
Cristina v Sparten,
Cristi85 v Majoz,
And finally Majoz v JasonGraceTheDutchAce.
The matches will all begin at Nine AM eastern. We ask that you try to get here before then so we can be organized and ready to go by nine.
If you have any further questions, post them here and we will do our best to answer in a timely manner.
Best regards,

Score: +0

2. Raki,

Bro, your subject is misleading.

Score: +0

3. basket,

Thank you, its been fixed.

Score: +0

4. Cristina ,

I am Cristina and this is my new account, i had to disable the previous one.
I just wanted to let you know and hope, I'll not cause any complication having this new account.
Thanks, regards!

Score: +0

5. majoz,

Hey there, also I changed my nickname, for you to know. You still can call me Majoz if ya wish, but I'll have this one for a month, so please keep that in mind. Thank you.

Score: +0

6. Cristina ,

I'd like to propose that the starting time of the matches to be the same in every day, because as it is now, it's quite confusing. So, if it is possible to be 12 P M eastern time as it will be for friday.
Moreover I think that more people could play better in the evening, than afternoon, as it would be for us, who are from Europe.
And if we look at all those people who will compete, then the most of them are from Europe or other countries which have the same timezone with european countries.
Thank you!
Regards, Cristina

Score: +0

Last edited by Cristina , Nov 23 2015 12:12:04

7. basket,

Can you explain to us how exactly is it confusing? We calculated the timing based on when everyone is free or have you neglected to follow the forum post.
So, for that, the times will remain as they work for most people.
Thank you.

Score: +0

8. Cristina ,

Dear basket, I don't think that any of readers would wonder if I've neglected or not to follow the forum post as long as I know about the starting time of the matches.
i've just proposed to be the same for each day if it is possible, because for me and other players to who I've talked about this, it would have been better if it will be as I proposed.
But ok, I can understand from your not so friendly answer that's not possible and I'll make my best to be here when i have to play my matches, just for not bothering your schedule, except that sunday when it will be 6th december.
I will have an event at that date and will not be around, therefore I can not play at that time.
Thank you and good luck for all of us! smile

Score: +0

9. basket,

Okay, thanks for telling us that you cannot play on that day. You shall have that day off. As I stated, people were given the chance to object to the timing so we will not be changing anything around at this juncture.

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