Uno league! matches for conferences 1, week 2.

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Score: +0

1. Epic_Krrish,

Greetings all, Upon, completion of week 1 of conference 1 it was noted that some players didn’t make it on time, therefore, 2 players got replaced, player Animagus with Marina7 and purplerain with Mayonk. However, some matches did got scratched to the unavailability of some players, so we will try to complete those matches as soon as possible, Please if you know that you missed the match, contact any of the organizing team and try to finish your matches, but from this week, we won’t accommodate players who comes late because it is unfare to players who made it on time. You might have read basket’s final note and I cote, “Should you fail to show up at the uno table, we will run subsequent matches . After all matches have been completed, we will wait 15 minutes. Should you fail to show within this window, you will forfit your match, and a win will be awarded to the opponents. Should you fail to show for three weeks in a row, you will be dropped from the league and disqualified“. On the other hand, results of last week will be posted soon, and the points will be updated every 3rd week!

Now these are the matches for week 2 of conference 1, and the matches are as follows:

Table 1.
1. MagicalKrrish vs Rumburak.
2. Marina7 vs H-M-C-Z.
3. BabyActress vs Egle.
4. Rumburak vs H-M-C-Z.
5. Marina7 vs BabyActress.
6. MagicalKrrish vs Egle
7. Everyone vs Mayonk.

Table 2.

1. Mayonk vs Francezu25.
2. Captain-nemo vs Ashraf.
3. Everyone vs can96
4. Policeman1 vs Francezu25
5. Ashraf vs Keywasfull.
6. Can96 vs Policeman1.
7. Captain-nemo vs Keywasfull.

The player midomidomido is by this week.

It will be same as last week where by, table 1 will be hosted bye me and table 2 by The-Raven and basket. If any questions please do addressit so it can be dealt with accordingly. So catch you all again at 12pm eastern US as the same time as last week Friday.
Best regards Krrish.

Score: +0

Last edited by Epic_Krrish, Dec 1 2015 00:56:42

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