Uno league. matches for conference 1, week 3.

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1. Epic_Krrish,

Greetings all, these are the matches for week 3, of conference 1:

Table 1.
1. MagicalKrrish vs Mayonk.
2. BabyActress vs Policeman1.
3. Marina7 vs midomidomido.
4. Mayonk vs Rumburak.
5. Egle vs H-m-c-z
6. MagicalKrrish vs Marina7
7. Egle vs Midomidomido

Table 2.
1. Can96 vs Rumburak
2. Captain-nemo vs Francezu25.
3. Ashraf vs can96
4. Keywasfull vs Francezu25
5. Captain-nemo vs H-m-c-z
6. Keywasfull vs BabyActress.
7. Ashraf vs Policeman1.

1. The player everyone has week off this week.
2. Table 1 will be hosted by me and table 2 by The-raven and basket.
3. The matches will commenced on the same time as usual at, 12pm! eastern!, please be there on time for your matches.

If any questions please do not hesitate to ask. Regards Krrish

Score: +0

Last edited by Epic_Krrish, Dec 8 2015 00:21:07

2. musiclover,

whow do i go ith for uno leeg

Score: +0

3. basket,

Unfortunately, we're not looking for any replacements right now. We will keep everyone updated once we are.

Score: +0

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