Uno league 2015, 2016 during christmas.

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Score: +0

1. basket,

Hello Everyone,
We have decided to extend the time off for the holidays. Instead of just being for a single week, we have extended it for two weeks starting on the 25th.

Score: +0

2. Epic_Krrish,

Seasons greetings, happy new year to all, as you all know we had a christmas break in the Uno league for 2 weeks or so, this is a reminder that the league will resume this coming Friday, 8th January, 2016 at the same time as before at 12:00pm eastern US, and then continue on Saturday and Sunday at 9 am eastern US. Please be informed and pass this news to your friends, the matches will be posted soon.

Regards Krrish

Score: +0

Last edited by Epic_Krrish, Jan 4 2016 00:42:43

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