QuentinC's playroom for the blind isn't it?

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1. Sajad-Aliraqi,

I know that playroom for the blind users and visually impaired, but I saw to accounts for two sighted people one from Turkey and one from United Kingdom. I forgot the username of the Turkey person, but I remember the username of British person. I can send the administrators the name of British man, but I want to know that.

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2. Aminiel,

And what's the problem ? Although the playroom is probably visually quite ugly, sighted people are more than welcome !

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3. dalimidvecimidvenedali,

Blinds are not mafia, Sajad... :)

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4. LaraStardust,

well, I have seen a few on hear and in fact I think its great that sighted and blind people can mix together on games they have in common.
FYI aminiel sighted people get along quite well with it

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5. YNWA,

On another forum topic people talk about being discriminated against when applying for a job as a blind person. If you stop sighted people playing here it would be doing the same thing we are always fighting against. Having sighted friends play is good as it allows them to play with us. It spreads the message of the forum and shows what blind people really can achieve. They play in exactly the same conditions so I see no problem.

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6. wolfi,

this way we will stil not with the community, and they will not count us as a normal people, i mean blind people, i love sited people and they love us to, chil bro we're all created to be equal.

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7. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Yeah! But I think playroom isn't ok with sighted people because it's accessible for blind people, even though I can play it with the mouse.
But I only can see numbers on the screen!

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8. wolfi,

my cousin plays here, and he knows how to use it.

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9. Lemonade,

If they want to play let them, don't worry about it.

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10. Aminiel,

Sorry guys, but I didn't created the playroom to make another blind ghetto. There are no beautiful graphics and it's hard to do graphical stuff while blind, but I'm trying to do my best so that sighted people can play if they wish to. The only requirement for them is to don't mind about the fact that it's not, and will probably never be, as nice as usual games they could play somewhere else on the net.

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11. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Mr Aminiel! I think that I can help you with images or graphics. Thank you.

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12. orion6 ,

I don't know what's the big deal here if it's that sighted people might have some kind of advantage, well I've played chess here with sighted people and I've won many times. we can say that chess is one of the few games here that have grafics and sighted people can play as they do usually.

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13. sound2,

Hi, I think it's nice sighted people come here. There is nothing wrong with it. If they don't mind how it looks, then it's fine.

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14. gaurasuryavanshi,

yes? I don't see a problem as well. I am ready to play with people of all kinds

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15. musiclover,

i dont eather i think its great

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16. Jeff-Rutkowski,

I know of a few sighted people who access the playroom and they seem to be okay with the rudimentary graphics and the color options. I've never before seen a game client programmed with so many accessibility options built in. RS Games sure doesn't cater to the sighted as well as the blind.

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17. BhavyaShah ,

I agree with the majority here.
Marginalization, discrimination and exclusion are major social issues that visually impaired people and generally people with disabilities have to endure, so we should heartily welcome and embrace the joining of certain sighted people on QuentinC's Playroom. This gaming platform may possibly also eventually become a source of spreading awareness to sighted gamers about accessible and audio gaming, screen reading, technological accessibility, assistive technology, and if we mingle together conversationally too, about the social and domestic life and independent living aids and techniques we employ.
All in all, joining and interaction of sighted gamers on QuentinC's Playroom is an extremely optimistic sign that symbolizes the potentials of QuentinC's Playroom. It would also be excellent if we have any partially sighted or completely sighted person willing to volunteer, if Aminiel agrees or wishes of course, to partner with Aminiel to improve the graphics and visuals of QuentinC's Playroom, to make it more appealing as well as engaging for sighted audience too.
Just out of curiosity, does QuentinC's Playroom have any low vision readibility optimizations, like configurable font sizes or colour contrasts, like many websites and some applications are beginning to have nowadays? Simply inquisitive to know.
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah

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18. CathyAnne,

Well, I have seen people up here from all walks of life. I don't care if you're bline or sighted. You don't need to have sight or beblind to play a game. I think it's col that blind and sighted players are on this server.

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19. Mayank ,

Delija, I would suggest you keep the remarks that are not related to the topic private or to yourself.

Thank you.

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