am I the only one who is having difficulties playing the little exam?

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1. gaurasuryavanshi,

hi everybodyy! the little exam is an interesting game. I am not playing it very often but when I get to play it, almost of the times I am losing. and guess what's the matter! maybe my english is not enough good about it. a friend of mine is also having such difficulties. any advice? how to become better at this game?

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2. wolfi,

no you just need to have an information about everything in the world, or to have more knologe about the world

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3. gaurasuryavanshi,

yes. but I haven't searched about such things since now, maybe because I haven't thought that I will need them someday. I really may look for some of them on the internet. it seems that I really should improve my knowllage.

Score: +0

4. Lemonade,

Then the solution is obvious isn't it? Get better English. And just search for random things. I'm better than most of the non-native speakers on here, but I usually still lose to most of the native speakers.

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5. gaurasuryavanshi,

ok! thanks for the advice

Score: +0

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