About web client

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1. Aminiel,

Hello all and happy new year,

Some months and and years ago, a few people asked about the ability to play on the web client with a braille note taker, and I just replied no because I had no idea of how it might be done.
In fact, it seems that some of those devices have a browser, and that this browsers is a kind of old Internet Explorer. So, maybe it could be possible to do something.

Are you interested in being able to play using these devices ?
IF yes, would you like to test when it becomes available ?

Note: please don't request again a native app for MacOS, iOS or Android at the moment. ON that side, my situation hasn't changed. I have the project to make the web client evolve a bit in 2016 along with the rest of the playroom, but I still don't have neither a Mac or an Android phone, so am still unable to do anything for Mac, iOS or Android currently; sorry !
Perhaps it will change in the future, I really would like to do something if I could; but for now you will have still to content yourself with the web client if you want to play on your mobile phone or tablet.

Thank you for your answers.

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2. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Hello, happy new year!
I using a PC, and an Android device. But I can connect to the web client. Generally: Thank you.

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3. basket,

As far as I know, the braille note takers use the same kind of browsers found on computers accept they often will load mobile version of websites. so, theoretically, it is possible if you can implement a mobile friendly version of the website and put the web apps for playing on there.

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4. wolfi,

why don't you make playroom for mac though?

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5. Aminiel,

why don't you make playroom for mac though?

I have already explained it several times. Please make a search.

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6. afrim,

First, I would like to thank you in advance for the precious work you have been doing all these years. Playroom has become a great gaming platform and it is the only one that has the biggest number of visitors among other ones designed for blind people.
What I'd like to say in regards to web client is that there should be any type of feature that slightly detects what kind of device you are using, like PC or mobile. once the web client detects it, the web client will offer a better support for that device. In this way, we would have a better experience on playing here online. This could be fairly impossible, but I believe it would somewhat enhance accessibility on the web client, at least for mobile devices. A great example is android. Android reads the history and messages in the way that a PC would, but the page is inaccessible enough to not read the buttons. For instance, when I click create a new table, join a table and so on. Anything you can do in there if you are lucky enough can be achieved by swiping (flicking) as you call it on iOS. So all the best and again, thank you for the time and effort you take to work on this platform.

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7. gaurasuryavanshi,

I don't have any provlems with the web client.

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8. kraljpetar ,

I would like to test it I'm happy about that webclient will become better cause I'm using it

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9. Aminiel,

@Afrim: I'm not sure to really understand; what exactly could be better on mobile devices specifically ?

I'm afraid for your Android question, I don't have an androit phone or tablet, and so am unable to test anything; I must rely entirely on other people.
ON iOS, the focus is placed on the menu (its first button) whenever it changes.

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10. Pedigree,

Hello, I'm experimenting with the web client and an IPad. In rummy, I see the options for drawing cards etc. however, I don't see the options for discarding cards. How do you do this?

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11. Aminiel,

In rummy, I see the options for drawing cards etc. however, I don't see the options for discarding
cards. How do you do this?

It's effectivly explained nowhere, I don't know where exactly these kind of things could be explained. You can open a context menu by doing a triple tap on a card, and in this context menu you have, ammong others, the option to discard it.

Of course if you have a physical keyboard connected, the delete key should work to discard a card directly, as well as the application key to open the menu.

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Last edited by Aminiel, Jan 4 2016 08:52:48

12. afrim,

I was trying to say that there should be a more friendly user interface on the mobile site so that both iOS and android would work easier there.

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13. Aminiel,

And what do you suggest to make the user interface more friendly ?

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14. afrim,

Sadly, I'm not a programmer. I love the way RS web client reacts, and it is very accessible. If the playroom web client was build in that way, it would be highly more accessible to both android and iOS users.
This is what I can suggest.

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15. Pedigree,

Unfortunately, I tried triple tapping on the card I was going to delete, and no luck. It's kind of weird trying to play this game without a discard button. Can you guys put one with the other buttons so that folks can play this successfully? This is a royal pain.

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16. Aminiel,


I have just verified it and it seems that triple tap doesn't work anymore with iOS 9.2. I will look at it soon. Sorry.

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17. trol ,

Aminiel, didn't work even with firefox on ios, :O

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18. Exink,

It's clearly that it does not work with Firefox; at least didn't when I used Android. I think that by seting up some things, the problem will be solved.

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19. Aminiel,

The triple tap issue should be solved now, at least on Safari with iOS 9.2.

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